BootsnAll Travel Network

Facial hair

I’ve had a facial hair related disaster. I’ve been looking pretty bad lately so decided to treat myself to having my fringe cut and eyebrows threaded. Went into a shop and a mad Iranian woman cut all my fringe off, yanked my head into various unnatural directions and then accused me of needing a haircut because my hair is all lengths. It’s called layers, I told her. It’s meant to be that way. Then she passed me on to another Iranian woman who took me to have my eyebrows threaded. This took about half an hour and was 90% tweezing; she only got the thread out occasionally to remove various bits of hair she seemed to think were a problem in the middle of my forhead. Obviously, she didn’t know how to do it and was only using the thread in out of the way places to disguise the fact. She tweezed crazily until my eyebrows were a completely different shape and almost exactly resembled her own. At one point I felt her pencil a bit in, having clearly removed all traces of brow I may have once had in that area. I don’t have alot of luck with my brows. Before I went to NY in 2001 someone tweezed my eyebrows clean off practically and I had to draw them in for the next two months. So anyway, the upshot is that instead of look good with Liz Hurley-type eyebrows, I now have the brows of a 50-year-old Iranian woman.

I’ve burned myself from falling asleep on the beach whilst trying to memorise the contents of my ‘Basic Cruising!’ sailing manual. It’s pretty dry stuff. Pretty excited by all things maritime at the moment. I’ve been looking into joining the Navy. According to their website I’m eligible to be an Officer – I’d go straight in as a Sub-Lieutenant. But they ask for a commitment of 12 YEARS or something. I think it’s 5 and a half at the very minimum. Since I can’t commit to what I’m doing next week I probably have very little hope of committing to something for 5 years, especially something I may hate. So I’m thinking a few months on a cruise ship is a better option. Plus women aren’t allowed in the submarine service for some reason. I’d love to work on a naval research vessel like SeaQuest DSV – it had it’s very own dolphin (and Jonathan Brandis on board!). Pity it never really existed….

Anyway, that’s enough nonsense. My screenwriting course finished yesterday and I’m already suffering withdrawal symptoms. I guess there’s nothing left to do now but write a screenplay.


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