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January 25, 2004

So, What Now?

Excitement Crackles as Your Intrepid Correspondent is

Dissed & Dismissed

(Sorry, I harbor a secret fantasy to write headlines for the National Enquirer.) Anyway:
I didn't get the teaching job that I was counting on to pay for my trip. So, the question is, what now? I should be pissed, sad and afraid, but I feel none of that. Instead I feel liberated and excited.

Being somewhat fatalistic, and (despite my irreverance and strict avoidance of piety) believing in a loving God who has a plan for me, I have faith that I didn't get the job because there is something greater in store. There's noting standing in my way. I tried my best to do the "sensible" thing and it blew up in my face. Now I'm free to try something unconventional.

So I find myself in prayerful contemplation.

Perhaps this is God telling me to "Go East young man." I also find myself surfing the internet and sending out inquiry emails to international schools in countries that intrigue me.

For the past two years I have been considering teaching abroad. But without a teaching credential, my options were limited to teaching English in a school that required no credentials--schools on the lower end of the pay and prestige scale.

So, I will be scorching the ether between here and "there." Currently "there" is SE Asia, but actually the world is my oyster now. There are plenty of schools in South America that use the American system.

Anybody reading this that has an idea, let 'er rip. I'll be grateful.

Posted by ebayne on January 25, 2004 10:53 AM
Category: Lamentations

Hi Erik

I am in exactly the situation you are in right now, so I can relate to you more then the other typical 20 something backpacker blogs on this site. I've searched for positions from America but have found that you just have to be there for anything to happen.

The cost of living there is very cheap. For the cost of my utility bill here I could easily rent an apartment in bangkok. So as long as you have a small amount of money you can do it. It shouldnt take you long to get some ESL work and even though it may not internation school stuff it would be a good stepping stone for better jobs down the road. It would also secure you visas.

I've thought about looking for work at home to save more money, but how much is ever enough...... then I would only be miserable since SEA is calling.

Posted by: steven on January 27, 2004 06:37 PM

Thanks for the encouragement Steven. I got a call tonight that brough me some hope of local employment. I would really rather take a while, soave some money and visit once or twice before taking the plunge, but if I have to dive in, I will!


Posted by: eb on January 27, 2004 07:15 PM
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