I´m tired but I just got back from Tortuguero. It was amazing, more about that later.
I get free interent at the hostel I´m staying at in San Jose. My ¨homebase¨ as I´m calling it right now.
Jess if you don´t approve of m&ms for breakfast then you sure won´t approve of what I had to eat today. it consist of water, 2 snicker ice cream bars, 1 banana, 1 luna bar (thanks jess, i sort of tasted like alcohol tho) and imperial.
I´ll tell you guys more about my tortuguero adventure tommorow.
peace out
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lol YESS! IMPERIAL… It is inescapable!
revision… i had three yesterday
the snicker ice creams bars would be enough to satisfy my day. and hey, a banana is healthy. miss you.