¿Donde esta aqui?
So… I was looking at the ticket I reserved at ticabus and found out that is wasn´t what I wanted at all because it left at like 2am and dropped me off in cities that I´m not familiar with at 11pm. NOT IDEAL. So I decided last night that I´m going to spend my time in Costa Rica, so that I won´t be rushed (chris and suggestions) I bought a ticket to managua for june 29 through july 4 because i need to get out of the country because I´m going to be there for more than 90 days. I´m planning on going to Granada.
So what I did today because it was so interesting (Insert Sarcasm)
I woke up at 9am… got in a taxi… nice old man.. told me I was pretty.. I think becasue when I thought he was refering to the city I thought I was talking about.. he said no. man these taxi drivers really to talk in spanish… and really fast too… I found out the if I repeat the most important part of their sentence with conviction they think that I know what I´m talking about… ie.
blah blah blah musica?
Musica. si… then they think that I know what I´m talking about and I have no idea what I agreed to. it could have been ¨Do you like music?¨ or ¨If you play music to the cat over there, it will die?¨ oh well. its better than que? or no say? I don´t even know what no say? means. I´m under the assumption that it mean I don´t know.
Then I got to the ticabus and arrange my bus ticket. The agent that handling me didn´t speak any english at all but there was this nice old american that worked there. So I got my ticket and I asked the old man how to get to mercado centro. So I follow his directions and he said 18 blocks which was fine and all. So I start walking and walking and I´m passing all these colorful painted cows which were pretty sweet. And theres two that vegetarians would like(pictures soon) Stopped to get some food from a bakery and I tried to ask the lady which was her favorites. She didn´t understand at all cause I was standing next to the cookies and then she said something and I repeated the one word I remembered from her sentence and then she points me to the opposite side of the display case. I must have repeated savory bread because I have to choices of queso, pollo, and hot dog. I again ask her what is her favorite but no good. she repeats all my choices. I choose queso because I don´t really feel like meat. Bad decision because it tasted like crap. continue walking. this whole time I´m walking on cobble stone and not asidewalk but its between two shopping streets. Well, I keep walking and I´m beginning to walk in a neighborhood which is strange, I ask someone ¨donde esta aqui?¨ he points to a spot on my map. Apparently I overshot by like 18 blocks. So i turn around and walk back. I went to the museo de oso which was kool and air conditioned (it´s really not that hot here) I learnt alot about costa rican culture and their currancy, gold, and young artist now. I got to the mercado and get plato de dia which is the old thing I can read and say on the menu. It had rice, beans, potatos, carrots, cole slaw , chicken. So I meet up with some people at my hostel and they are really chill. Too bad they won´t be hanging out with me because one is going to new zealand tommorow and the other people are going elsewhere and I´m going ziplining tommorow.
well back to my story, I walked around town some more and thenI decided to go back to the hostel. lets just day that I got lost a few times and the sentence ¨donde esta aqui¨was used a couple of times its all good because I found the place with little to no problem when I remembered my hostel is next to the supreme court which is a huge building compared to the other buildings.
went on a little night adventure with new friend from new york and went to look for smoothies for her. came back at 8ish and listened to great stories that a by the girl that leaves for new zealand. They were amazing stories… lol.. good times..
Well I´m ziplining tommorow and plan on taking a 3day tour to Turtug…. I´ll get back to you guys about the name..
I miss you guys alot!!!
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I like how you overshot your destination by 18 blocks and didn’t even realize it. Thats when you know you are having fun. Its also the only way to discover new places.
Have fun ziplining!!!!
How is your Spanish? Are they just talking to you and you have no idea what they are saying or are you understanding it somewhat? I didn’t know a word of Spanish, but luckily my friend spoke it fairly well. Maybe you will speak it by the time you get back.
I don’t really have any suggestions… you are already going zip lining in the forest which is what I would have suggested. There is Lake Arenal and some great waterfalls, and some good surfing and interesting people on the western coast.. places like Tamarindo, which is kinda nice but hard to get to. I never went to the eastern coast, but I wanted to. We went on hikes… some into areas that we probably shouldn’t have (we went over a couple barbed wire fences), but I love how the monkeys are literally right there in front of you. The locals and people in the hostels probably have some better ideas. Do you see Imperial Beer and products everywhere and have you drank it yet?
dude, you are brave.
can’t believe you’re actually in costa rica by yourself, with bad spanish!
i woulda been so lost.
and when you said hostel, it reminded me of the movie.
uhhh pretty scared for ya. but seems like you’re having fun
well, take tons of pictures and meet hot dudes.
see you when you get back
LOL… you guys.. good to hear from you guys. everythings good, i already met 3 other solo female travellers. So we are out there and out of the four of us I think I am the second best at spanish-
dude you’re so cute! thanks btw for telling me about your blog!!! way to go. i miss you lots. i can’t believe you’ve been gone so long already. you’re gonna get good at espanol. and no “sé” does mean i don’t know.