1st day
So, I haven´t slept in like 48 hours and my head is killing me. LAX and Houston were amazingly easy for me to navigate and I even made a friend during the lay over of the two flights.
I arrive in Costa Rica and get through customs and immigration with no problem. Now I have to get to my hostel via taxi. Waved down a city taxi which are red and have yellow triangles on the side of the door. Arrange for the taxi to take me to the hostel for $18. I didn´t bargin but the lady that lives in CR said that is what it would cost so I don´t feel so bad. I get checked in and I get myself settled. yada yada ya.. Well eventually I get bored and want to get out of the city as soon as possible so I take another taxi to ticabus agency where I don´t have enough money to buy the ticket but I made reservations and will buy it tommorow. Lets just say I would have been lost without the kind guy that was chillin at the agency waiting for his girlfriend, because my conversation with the agent went something like this
blah blah blah…
ticket to Guatemala?
no… Guatemaaa…. que?
kind guy steps in… let me help you out
saved me alot of time and explaining because I didn´t have the money to pay for the ticket so he talked the guy into giving me a temporay ticket for one day, so I have to go back tommorow.
kind guy get me a cab too… since this kind guy choose this guy and I didn´t get too many wierd vibes, I went with the guy to take me back to the hostel…
the guy is a big guy with a gut and he leads me to a BLUE car. I´m thinking… I hope I don´t die… but the guy is nice.. so I go (i know my mom is freaking out right about now, but I thought “I hope I don´t die” in every taxi I entered… so don´t worry) This guy is really friendly and is talking in spanish and I try to talk to him the best I can. I think I told him I was sad when I meant that I was tired. But he says his name is albeto but I can call him beto. I know this because he took the piece of paper in my hand and wrote down his number and name… for me to call him for beers later… i manage to tell him I just got in today and I am tired. I get dropped off at the hostel in one piece and look I even made a new friend.. ;D joy… I´m just resting now and planning my day tommorow.
Tommorow planning to go to central san jose and then on tuesday I take ticabus for my 2.5 day ride to Guatemala
not bad for the first day.
I even took a shower. The signs say they have hot water but THEY LIE cause all I got was cold water and even colder water… my shower was very quick
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YAY! I’m glad you found a friend.
Happy 4:20!
I giggle when I hear about your spanish experiences. hehehe.
Wow, I just went to the rancho mastatal and am so amazed. It looks sooo pretty, and the little “houses” are adorable!!
*the mastatal website, that is
Oh my goodness I hope your mom didn’t have a panic attack reading that. But wow! … and this is just your first day… you are gonna have “hella” adventures! I was looking at the mastatal site and it looks like loads of fun except… the bugs ahhhh the bugs and snakes! I think I will have to second Carrie’s advice and say Dom Don’t Die… watch out for poisonous snakes, bugs, and plants and also watch out for creepers. Well you are probably getting ready for your road trip adventure right about now so just a reminder, don’t forget Jack. Have a great time and write in this thing as often as possible. Miss ya
P.S. Cold showers are horrible and being forced to take one should be a violation of the Geneva Convention