BootsnAll Travel Network


Apparently, it has taken off in England and the U.S. of A. somewhat too, but the month that comes just after  October and  begins 30 days before December is rechristened ‘Movember’ for the male population of Melbourne.

The scheme is a fun take to encourage men to grow ‘mo’s'( that’s moustache’s to you and me,) and get sponsored to do so. If you manage to raise $50 you get a shaving kit, raise $100 and you get to go to a free night out with food and drinks. It’s only speculation, but by my reckoning, the $100 night out would consist nearly entirely of a room full of men with awesome mos high fiving each other and congratulating themselves on their facial apparatus. Sounds like fun, however, I missed the boat a little on raising money, it finishes pretty soon, but I’ve grown out a nice handlebar mo anyhow, if only because other mo-growers in the street do actually give you a ‘yeah’ and a nod when they see your effort. Last night on the train home from a night on the tiles we even got in a full conversation with some guy who has been to the Movember mo-party 2 years on the trot. We compared mo stories and then went about our day. Almost needless to say but Lauren doesn’t understand my pure exhileration of being able to – ligitimately- grow a moustache. It is the birthright of any man, regardless of creed, race or beliefs, to grow a full mo and wear it proudly at least once. (Admittedly, this is not the first time that I’ve had an upper-lip warmer, nor will it be the last.)

In other news, it was the Christmas Parade today. Due to getting a little tipsy last night we missed the 11:20 kick off, but arrived in town for the main event, Mr. S. Clause himself moseying on down the highstreet. They love their parades here, as once again (bearing in mind the Cup Day Parade was only a week ago,)  one of the main roads in the CBD was closed down for the entire afternoon. There was a particular irregularity in Santa’s performance, however. I don’t know if it’s hit the newstands back home yet – what with you being 11 hours behind and all – but instead of the rosy-faced Mrs. Clause at his side, Father Christmas was sporting some hottie off the T.V.  If I were a child (and in many, many ways I really am,) I would be devastated that Santa doesn’t respect the sanctity of marriage and has left the mother of Christmas for some leggy blond. Shocking.

Still, feels odd celebrating Christmas time and Summertime together. That’s not how it’s meant to work. There were a few ambulances dotted around the parade, presumably so that the poor sod who had to dress up like the lion from Madegascar in the 20 degree heat had somewhere to collapse and not die.

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One response to “‘Mo’vember”

  1. John says:

    Post a pic of your Mo man, gotta see your bars! I’ll even wire you some Beer Money, sorry I mean “sponsorship”.

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