BootsnAll Travel Network

Megamalls, dissapointments and an ‘ohmygoshIthoughtIwasinLondon’ moment

Another day another megamall in Kuala Lumpur. Today we went to the Time’s Square one which boasts it’s very own theme park. Admittedly it looked a little more Peter Pan’s Playground than Alton Towers, but it was still cool to see a big rollercoaster winding it’s way amongst escalators and clothes shops.

What we really wanted from the mall, it couldn’t provide for us. And this mall is big. Think if Bluewater and Lakeside had a child, and then that child had elephantitis  and then Bluewater mistakenly gave their child steroids instead of an elephantitis cure. That is how big this mall was. It had different wings.  But I digress.

We went to the mall for the 2 reasons of seeing a rollercoaster in a mall and to go to the Imax theater. For those of you who don’t know, an Imax is a cinema where the screen is HUGE (see above for my Bluewater/Lakeside offspring example,) and some movies are in 3D. Sadly for us though, not enough people bought tickets for the 1 zillion megawatt theater to cover it’s losses so the show was canceled. Rubbish.

On the way home we had to get the skytrain metro followed by the K.L. rapid transit. It was rush hour and for a moment, considering the ethnic diversity of Malaysia and K.L. in particular, I was on the London Underground, buried face deep in the armpit of a man who smelled worse than a tramp. Strange how these small things remind you of home.

I think it may be the semi-mundane nature of K.L. that is making me come up with these ludicrous over-exaggerations, although I did use tap water to brush my teeth for the first time in 3 months today so it might possibly be that.

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