BootsnAll Travel Network

Little help from my ‘friends’

Seems another website is putting links to this blog on their pages, I don’t know why or how, but they are.

Maybe that’ll explain why I’ve reached over 2000 hits from like nearly 700 different I.P. addresses.

If it gets to 2000 I.P. addresses I’m going to have to stop seeing all of my old friends and hang around with George Clooney and the writers of 6 Feet Under, that’s how smug I will have become.


2 responses to “Little help from my ‘friends’”

  1. Sam, John, Sofia & Joe says:

    H A P P Y B I R T H D AY M I K E

    Hope you having, had or will have a great day….clearly you’re enjoying the additional attention you’re receiving as a birthday treat (although not sure Lauren will be too pleased if you keep having pictures taken with so many girls….hehhe)

    Enjoy your birthday, little big brother / Uncle…with love from Sam, John, Sofia & Joe xxxx

  2. Sam, John, Sofia & Joe says:

    H A P P Y B I R T H D AY M I K E

    Hope you having, had or will have a great day….clearly you’re enjoying the additional attention you’re receiving as a birthday treat (although not sure Lauren will be too pleased if you keep having pictures taken with so many girls….hehhe)

    Enjoy your birthday, little big brother / Uncle…with love from Sam, John, Sofia & Joe xxxx

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