I wasn’t wrong
Regular readers will know that when I fist landed in Melbourne I was particularly unimpressed. First off, there was no more ‘wow, I could never see that at home’ factor as there had been in any of the S.E. Asian countries. Everyone spoke English too, of course, and this naturally takes a significant amount away from the sense of adventure from traveling.
One of my first posts based on the city was scathing, and a Melbourne expat living in Canada (excuse me if you’re still reading this and I got this wrong,) was quick to jump to the city’s defense in the form of a comment at the end of the post. I agreed with many of the points made, and settled it in my mind that I would give the city time and see how it took me.
Two full months later and I am so fed up I could eat my own hand. Seriously.
Perusing the internet, though, I thought I’d look up things to do in Melbourne. This is quoted from what I can only guess to be an unofficial Melbourne tourists website (unofficial in that it isn’t made by the VIC government;)
‘Special Melbourne’
Some things suggested by the site as special things to do in this specialĀ city are:
‘wander along Southgate [and] look at the cars parked on the lawns of suburban homes.’
‘meet someone under the clocks (I assume this means Flinder’s street station,) and listen to the sounds of passing traffic.’
‘talk to a stranger in the street,’
‘Have a pizza [at] 2 in the morning,’
These are genuine things recommended to do on the website. Is it just me or is this just descriptive of a knees up in Festival Leisure Park, Basildon? Of course there are some other things listed, but when a block of text recommending a city’s best attributes lasting no longer than a paragraph consist of these four ‘must do’s’ it only highlights how Melbourne is dull, dull, dull.
I cannot wait to leave for the east coast and insofar I spend considerable portions of my time working out how many days of this neither here nor there purgatory will last.
In reality it’s 10 days, but the 28th doesn’t count because we’re leaving at 4 in the morning. 9 days.
Then there’s Christmas Eve = big celebration 8 Days.
Christmas Day = Bigger Celebration lots of food and drink at our mate’s apartment on St. Kilda Road. 7 Days.
Boxing Day = Hangover and hopefully some awesome T.V. 6 Days.
So, although the calendar tells me there’s 10 days left, in reality it’s only 6. Thank the soon to be birthday boy for that!
Tags: Australia, Melbourne, Travel
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