BootsnAll Travel Network

Grumble grumble grumble Bangkok grumble grumble

It seems that anyone who wants to go anywhere in SE Asia is forced to have to travel through Bangkok each time they want to do it. This will be our third time going to the Thai capital now and neither of us are really looking forward to the experience.

We booked our ticked out of Koh Tao yesterday, leaving by way of boat (how else?) to get to Chumporn, then a V.I.P sleeper bus up to the capital. Even more annoying is that we’ll have to kick about there for a few days before flying to Hanoi because we have to wait for our visas and the kind lady here on Koh Tao said that you could only really get that sorted in Bangkok. Gah!

On the plus side, I have managed to save 1000 baht (about 16 quid) by underspending by about 100 baht a day for a few weeks, so I’ll actually be able to buy plenty of clothes from Kao San Road. (expect a package full of my old clothes to be arriving before the end of September, mum!)

The flu that was afflicting the pair of us is lifting now, thankfully a few days well clear of the next Full Moon Party. With any luck we will be meeting with some friends from Laos before then and all going to the party together, so it will be a nice way to see off the Gulf of Thailand, although possibly the day after hangover might disagree.

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