BootsnAll Travel Network

Counting down instead of up

In under twelve hours now, the first half of our year long trip will have diminished into memory. Six months have gone by faster than nearly anything else I can think of. A big part of me is refusing to believe that it really was 5 1/2 months ago that I was on that two day slow boat up the Mekhong to Laos. Seems I have no choice.

Been Christmas shopping today for Lauren. Can’t help but feel that the element of surprise will be lost on the big day though due to our room being just that, a room. Ergo seriously lacking in places to hide presents. It is decidedly difficult to really feel the Christmas spirit this year, and not only because it is my first Christmas ever away from my family (although I’m sure this plays a part,) but rather, this is my first celebration of big J.C.’s birthday where wearing shorts is mandatory. The weather is far from baking yet, but it’s getting there and the lights down Swanson Street (the main road that intersects the city center from Flinders Street station) do nothing to remind me of the festive season. Instead, they put me in mind of Basildon council at home, leaving the Christmas lights up, although not illuminated, all year round.

Lauren had her staff party on Tuesday. It was the reverse of the scenario played out at the weekend. This time it was Lauren’s turn to roll in the door after one or two sherries, although she made it back at a much more respectable 11:30 p.m. rather than my 8 the next morning fiasco.  She had a great time, the food was meant to be delicious (this in itself is usually a good indicator of Lauren’s enjoyment of a party.)

Speaking of my better half, she has taken the step and created her own blog! Forgoing she has instead opted for another website. She’s refusing to tell me the name of it for now, insisting that she wants it to get off to a good start before she lets me see it. Feel free to badger her for info.

Cutting spending down as much as I can really isn’t going too well at the moment. Considering that I am unemployed (and who is going to employ me when I leave town in 2 weeks?) I’m having to ration myself. Particularly considering that we’re hoping to buy a van in Brisbane to drive down to Sydney in. Still, pasta and pesto is sort of good for you 5 nights in a row I guess. Reminds me of Uni, only it’s hotter and I feel more like I should be on jobseekers allowance.

Reading back over this, I am aware of its vaguely incoherent rambling nature. No other comment, just wanted you to know that I’m with you on this.

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