A day off from having time off
I‘m bored myself of constantly talking about our jobhunt. Lauren has a very promising trial tomorrow at a very high -end ladies fashion shop. It’s 3 or so shops down from Boss, for example. So let’s all finger’s crossed for her. I’m sure she will do fine. The outfit she has bought for the trial looks perfect, and of course the manadatory 3 hours she will spend tomorrow morning making herself look beautfiul (her words of course, she always looks beautiful,) means that she will look amazing for the interview. I’m very confident she’ll fit right in.
There is one thing; We’d never heard of the Melbourne Cup before getting to Melbourne. It is one of the oddest and most widely celebrated sporting events in – yea, I’m guna say it- the world. For one day, Australia, in it’s entirity, comes to a full stand still, so much so that a fully legislated national holiday is in place, and everyone gets together to celebrate, with muchos beeros, a 3 minute horse race. It’s a little bit like Royal Ascot, except more accessable. Lots of people from all over come to Melbourne dressed in their best attire, men in sharp suits and laides with them funny hats that cost enough to buy their own racehorse and will never be worn again. This began on Saturday and will culmulate in Tuesday, the national holiday-day. Lauren begins her work on Monday, in a very high end fashion store. The day before very high end fashion ladies strut their rich stuff up and down at the races. The store is going to be absolutely rammed. No worries, right?
We spent the afternoon and evening with family-friends of Laurens, Trevor and Midge. Trevor was kind enough to pick us up from our hostel, luckily for us (not so much for Trevor-it’s a 2 hour round trip,) another of his friends was staying at a very nice hotel just down the road, so Trevor killed two with one and drove out to get us all. We went to an Australian market on the outskirts of Melbourne. It was so nice not having to worry about getting jobs or houses for the day and just relax. Lauren bought herself a bottle of fizzy wine and we all went back to Trevor and Midge’s for cheese and dinner.
Dinner. Spag Bol. Lauren and I have stayed awake at night talking forever about how we would have our spagghetti bolognese. (sp!) Midge’s was delicious, loads of cheese, plenty of meat. Awesome, nearly needless to say but I completely stuffed myself, as did Lauren.
Had a grand evening, even more of Trevor and Midge’s friends were there from England. Brilliantly, they pointed out that they hardly ever have visitors from home, (what with it being the furthest you could be from England,) then 3 lots turn up at once. They have some very sweet children too, and I was so full up on great food and the family were so nice that I didn’t even mind it when Lauren made me watch High School Musical 2 with her and the kids. Although, I feel I should point this out, Lauren did seem to know a considerable amount of the words for someone who’s never seen it. Suspicious? uhu.
Tags: Australia, Melbourne, Travel
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