The Final Week Before The Adventure Begins
The truck is packed up, the apartment is full of boxes and were itching to get this adventure started. Its been a crazy two weeks trying to plan a wedding, move out of the ol’ apartment, pack for the Baja road trip, and finish our plans on the “Around-The-World” trip. Somehow we’ve kept our heads on straight and I think we’ve completed most tasks on the never ending “to do” list. On Sunday, June 10th we will head south in the trusty Toyota Tacoma for our week-long drive down to Cabo San Lucas. Once we get the trip started, we’ll be updating this blog with pictures of our travels and hopefully some good journal entries. We’ll try to post blogs from both Christy and I so you can see the different perspectives of places. It will be easy to tell the two writings apart. Her’s makes sense, mine takes you on a literary road to no where. And I just learned this blog doesn’t have spell check, this could get ugly! (But you can thank Christy for the puncuation on this entry)
Tags: BAJA
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