Amed, April 27 – May 5 After Ubud, we spent eight days on the beach in Amed on the northeastern coast of Bali. Other than Mitch’s battle with a meter-long, crazed, female triggerfish near the wreck of the USS Liberty, it was a very quiet week. That was perfect. We enjoyed the chance to explore […]

by long4adventure on 04. May, 2011 in Emma, Indonesia
Our first day in Ubud we hung out. The next day we went to Monkey forest. There were tons of monkeys there. A little too many. There were monkeys eating bananas, and coconuts that the people who worked there gave to them. One monkey stole a huge bundle of bananas and was stuffing them in […]

Dive Time
by long4adventure on 01. May, 2011 in Beach, Indonesia, scuba diving
Our first stop in Indonesia was Lembongan Island, a small island within sight of the island of Bali. We decided to go to Lembongan because it was reputed to be quiet, laid-back, scenic, and has good diving. The guide book describes Lembongan as the Bali you would have found 20 years ago. Not that the […]

Hanging Out
by long4adventure on 26. Apr, 2011 in Beach, Bjorn, Indonesia, scuba diving
Long term traveling is an interesting psychological experiment. You go through different phases of feelings about your trip. Or at least, I did. Early on, the first few months, I was caught up in the excitement of being out of the states for the first time in memory. Even Mom and Dad had that feeling […]

Hong Kong
by long4adventure on 23. Apr, 2011 in China
April 6 – 9 Kathmandu, Nepal airport is the only place we’ve encountered in the world so far where you truly need two full hours before your flight to get through all the lines before you finally arrive at the only gate. There is a large electronic sign with all the flights that everyone ignores. […]

An Image of Nepal – Complete with Photos (5/13)
by long4adventure on 15. Apr, 2011 in Nepal
Nepal. The name brings so many wonderful, positive images. Most of these are a result of traveling there 33 years ago as a college student, but many simply come from its reputation as the rooftop of the world . We were there for 12 days, March 25-April 5. It was a great experience for all […]

The Chitwan Nature Reserve
by long4adventure on 13. Apr, 2011 in Nepal
Let’s flash back in time to just before our trek. We recently left Katmandu, and took a bus down to Chitwan nature reserve. The ride was okay, really, if you could ignore the fact that the bus had square wheels. We had a nice, pre-prepared trip set out for us, so after getting off the […]

Nepal Trekking
by long4adventure on 09. Apr, 2011 in Emma, Nepal
Day one After a day in Pokhara we took a mini van up to a small village where we started our trek. About half way into it I suddenly started up a story called “The Adventures of Timothy Mouse” which I had to stop at the end of the trek. The first day was pretty […]
Thank You EPA
by long4adventure on 09. Apr, 2011 in Egypt, India, Nepal
Part of the value of travel is to remind oneself of the things we have that we sometimes take for granted. Off and on for the last five months one of the things I have been really appreciative from home is the nice air quality. Granted, there are times during the winter when Boise has […]

Leaving India
by long4adventure on 03. Apr, 2011 in India
March 12 – 25 We ended up leaving India earlier than planned due to the 100 degree weather, the whole family getting sick and the ever present air pollution. Travel in India is truly an adventure for the independent traveler. Each day brings moments of exasperation followed by moments of beauty and kindness. Perhaps the […]
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