BootsnAll Travel Network

Sant Jordi

April 25th, 2005

This weekend, April 23rd, was the feast of Sant Jordi, a big fesitval day throughout Catalunya.
Teh legend goes that a dragon was terrorizing Catalunya, eatting animals and people alike. The king decided to have a lottery of names, choosing the next victim who would have to sacrafice themselves to the Dragon. In order to be fair he included his name and the names of his family members, as well as all those in the village. His daughter, the Princess, was chosen to be the next victim. The king was devestated but there was nothing he could do. The Princess was prepared to be sacrficed, as as the dragon a night, Sant Jordi, approached on horseback and galantly saved the Princess by killing the dragon!
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Street Art

April 25th, 2005

I’ve always thought of Barcelona of a art city. From the architecture to the vast number of public pieces, there’s artwork around every corner.

Barcelona sign.jpg

Walking through the barrio Raval brought me another art from to admire. The streets, every available wall, are covered in Grafitti…some pieces quite impressive.
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Matches -The Squat

April 25th, 2005

A little history lesson:
Barcelona is capital of Catalunya, a region of Spain where the people speak Catalan. The citizens are a fiercely independent bunch, immensely proud of their language, culture and history. Given the chance, Catalans would happily secede from Spain and have their own country. The language was outlawed by Franco, serving only to strengthen the pride the people felt for their culture. It’s been a point of contention for so many years now and the citizens here are highly politically aware, with a wider scope then just Catalan nationalism.
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I’m back

April 25th, 2005

Okay…I’m a total blog slacker…but I’ve been quite the busy girl!
I spent tons of time with Malte, who left town on Friday. We did a whole lot of walking! One day we went to Montjuic (Barcelona’s Central Park…if you will) and walked up and down enormous hills for 3 hours looking for a particular garden, entirely compossed of cacti. We finally found it and it was certainly worth it! There are plants that must be over 100 years old -massive green mosters of needles with arms reaching skyward. Truly wonderful. I must go back with my camera, because my battery died as I was taking my first shot.
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April 21st, 2005

Okay…I know I promised pictures, but I’ve been really busy here since my friend, Malte, is in town. I can’t wait to update the site with photos, because all that test is a bit boring, yes? I promise photos soon!
Like this one:

Pretty corner of Plaza del Pi
Plaza de Pi.jpg



April 19th, 2005

My roommate and I switched apartments this week. We´re now in a much nicer place, but living with a teacher from school…who´s never had students live with her before. It´s a bit like living with parents…and she corrects my Spanish all the time…which is good…but not in the middle of my sentences. She was correcting me this morning at 8am and I had to ask her to stop…just too early for spanish lessons…I wouldn´t remember anyway.
The new place does have wireless internet, which is a huge plus. I´ll be updating the blog later today with photos! Yay!
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April 14th, 2005

Can someone please explain to me why no one in Spain even knows what baseball is?! It´s the same freaking word in spanish…beisbol.
Anyway…you New Yorkers need to start cheering all the louder for the Yanks…bad start to the season IMO. Glad to see the win yesterday…but still, less then auspicious.
I´m dying to watch a game! I´ve settled for a little play-by-play action through the Yanks website, but it´s not the same. All you Yankees fans…throw one back for me…a toast to the rally! Let´s kick Boston´s butt!
Forgive me…I´m obsessing a bit in my absense.
Okay, that´s all for now…


Spanish Lessons

April 12th, 2005

Don´t let anyone ever tell you it´s hard to learn English. The more Spanish classes I take, the more I realize that English is actually a really simple language. Spanish has feminine and masculine and so many exceptions to both. Spanish has verb congugations that boggle my mind…a different verb for present, past, future, conditional, etc…and different endings for me, you, he/she/you (polite), we, you guys (for lack of a better phrase) and they. It makes English look really simple. And actually…everyone here (no matter where they are from all the other students speak English) admits English is easy to learn (hard to master).
But anyway, yo aprendo mucho. (I´m learning a lot.)
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Buenas Dias

April 5th, 2005

8:57pm -Barcelona -La Rambla

Hola to all. Life in Barcelona is more then pleasant. This city lives, it breaths, it dances! It is so full of life that it´s hard to put things into words.
I´ll start by saying I started Spanish classes yesterday and they are going well. Learning a lot already, and classes are suplemented with activities…and drinking. After calss today we watched a movie in Spanish (though it was originally French). While I didn´t understand all of it, I got the general idea. Translating comedy is a bit difficult and I missed a few of the jokes, though I think the voice over actors did as well. Plus there was a big protest going on outside with a whole lot of noise…people protesting tearing down buildings to build a new metro station…sounds a lot like New York and the proposed stadium in Brooklyn.
(click for more)
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April 4th, 2005

Oh yeah…I forgot to mention my going away party.
Friday March 25th, 2005 found us at Lucky Jacks a great Lower East side bar owned by a trio of awesome people. Big thanks to Meghan, Diarmuid and Declan for hosting!
Thanks also to all who attended! What wonderful people I have the pleasure of knowing. You all made the night better then I could have ever hoped for: with smiley faces, kind words and many a hug. I was truly flattered by the turnout and so happy to spend a night looking at a room full of people I love to know. You guys rock!
A “Welcome Home” party was suggested by more then a few people, and any excuse for a party is a good one. So perhaps we´ll all gather again in November…looking forward to seeing everyone again…
