I am currently in a state of utter confusion…spoilt for choice, I guess, would be the proper term.
Australia is presenting me with some problems, but surely they are of the best sort.
There’s too much to do! Too much to see! And entirely too far to travel!
Bus rides here all seem to take 13hours or more…that’s Sydney to Melbourne. To get to Cairns it takes 36 hours!
So, now I’m trying to widdle down my choices, because I simply can NOT do everything in 3 weeks. (Most people I meet are here for at least 3 months!)
I’ve been tossing around the question: “North or South?”
I can not come to Australia and not see the Great Barrier Reef…so I’ve answered my own question…which unfortunately means no Melbourne for me. 🙁
But what can I do?! I’ve got to make a decision…and even if I’m a little stressed about it, I think I’m making the right one. And there will still be PLENTY to see!
Besides the Reef, I’m drawn North by the notion of paradise, in the form of the Whitsunday Islands. Truly, everyone raves about them. Gorgeous beaches, crystal clear waters, GBReef access, sailing, swimming, snorkeling and sun. Sounds good, right? nfortunately they are a bit expensive to travel around…but I’m not going to let that stop me when I’m on the other side of the planet. When will I be able to come back here? I’m going for the 3day yacht trip, which cruises around various islands in the chain. (There are 75 islands.) It seems worth it.
Going North means I will also visit Brisbane…Bris-Vegas as the locals call it…which makes me laugh quietly to myself…I just can’t imagine.
I’ll travel down the coast and visit places with names like: Surfer’s Paradise, Gympie and Maroochydore. Ya just gotta love the Australians flare in naming things. Oh, and I’ll stop in Byron Bay, the hippy capital of Australia and another supposed must-see.
I’ll also have time to see the Blue Mountains, outside Sydney…gorgeous woods, tinted blue by eucalptys oil. Lots of hiking trails, scenic views and amazing caves are other attractions.
So I’ve got a full plate for the next three weeks! Add to that all the parties, long bus rides and a flight or two…I’m wondering if I will ever get any sleep.
But like I said, I can’t complain…these are really the best sort of problems to have.
I’m still feeling overwhelmed by it all, less so now that I have a plan…but I feel like an ant, lost in a great big wilderness, no other ants in sight…
Tags: Australia