BootsnAll Travel Network

Moroccan Misadventure #3

This one wasn’t so bad…it involved henna.

Zakaria’s neighbor did my hands and feet in henna, and it’s quite pretty…except parts of my skin don’t seem to like it. I’ve ended up with varying shades of light and dark right next to each other…a henna flower on my ankle and all but disappears as it travels over the top of my foot and reappears on my toes. It’s really a bit strange…but oh well. It’ll be gone soon enough.
Other then that, things are going quite well. I’ve been shown more hospitality then I can repay, being invited to meals here and there, and tea at just about everyone’s house. The Moroccans are so darn friendly! (Even though most of them don’t understand a word I say. Wait, actually that’s not true. It seems my humor crosses language barriers…and I garner quite a few laughs here…at the appropriate moments, thank you very much.)
We’ve been lazing around, spending time shopping, watching movies and wandering a bit. It’s been very relaxing.
Okay, just a quick update for those who were wondering. It’s about time to head back to Zakaria’s house for the night. Fridays are rather quiet here…but we should be doing something good tomorrow.
Till next time…


One response to “Moroccan Misadventure #3”

  1. Philip says:

    Hey liz

    glad the trip is going well. I shall be looking forward to seeing you in June (can you really believe that ???) and swopping traveller’s tales. I am sure between you and me we can drive Katie insane with stories…

    Take care, be happy and hopefully my card will arrive from NK ok…
