Since I’d already done the hike available to me from the hostel and had another day before the next bus to Durban came along, I decided to take their other day trip the next day into Lesotho. Lesotho is a tiny nation completely surrounded by South Africa in the Drakensberg mountains. It’s a place of nice views and people still living in traditional round huts. Unfortunately since the border closes at 4pm you don’t really get to see a whole lot on a day tour, you don’t even get to any of the towns, just the rural border area.
We drove in, this takes a while since the roads are very poor here, stopped by the rural school and took a short hike. The weather was perfect and the scenery is nice, though not quite as dramatic as the previous days hike. After that we stopped by one of the huts to try some local sorghum pineapple beer, interesting. Then we met one of the village medicine women, tried a local dish and before you knew it the time was up and we were back on the road to the hostel.
A somewhat interesting day, though not as good as I thought it could’ve been. We didn’t even get our passports stamped entering Lesotho since they took down that border post several years ago because not enough people were using it! So now my passport shows I left and re-entered South Africa on the same day but doesn’t show what country I left it for! Scam!
Caught the bus to Durban the next day, arriving a couple hours early (the benefit of the bus not having hardly any passengers on it all day). Nice being at a hostel where I can walk around the (upmarket) area surrounding it without any real warnings!
Tags: South Africa, Travel
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