the cape of good hope, penguins and some tasty springbok
Monday, June 8th, 2009After the previous days unwanted ‘excitement’, my second day was much better. I was out of the city all day on a tour of the Cape peninsula. The weather was as good as possible for the time of year, no clouds to be seen, warm enough with the only downside a strong wind, apparently the wind is almost ever present here just changes direction some times. Along the way to the cape of good hope the first stop was Hout bay.
After that, boulder beach in Simonstown to see the breeding colony of African penguins there. I thought the penguins here were the same tiny things as in Australia that don’t really look like penguins, but these guys are pretty cool! Not that much larger but much cooler looking, and this was way more penguins than I’ve seen in one place before.
After eating lunch, we rode bikes down the last few km of the road to the cape point, and saw some ostriches along the way.
The wind was incredible at the point, I haven’t felt wind like that since I was in NZ. The scenery around there looks a little like Southern NZ too.
We hiked up to the cliffs and on to the lighthouse, the views from up there are awesome, looking all the way across false bay and back down to the cape of good hope itself.
I got back to Cape Town just before a beautiful sunset and a great view of table mountain form my hostel. Then I headed out for a dinner of springbok, the national animal here, that I was going to have the previous night before I was mugged and lost interest in it. Springbok was delicious and I had almost as fun waiting for the food to arrive watching the restaurant host run around like a crazy man trying to keep everyone happy, reminded me of my restaurant managing days…
This is my last night in South Africa, tomorrow if the weather hold I’m going to take the cable car up table mountain to see the view from up there. Then I’m flying to London tomorrow night, arriving early the next morning. It’s been nearly 3 years since I’ve been back in the UK, I can’t wait.