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Sunday, April 16th, 2006

Ack! This should so not be happening! I do not get homesick. I mean, where would I be sick for? California? New York? South Carolina? Arizona? Wyoming (ew, ick, wrong)?

So Why am I suddenly all home-sicky?

I hope, really really hope, that it’s because for the first time, it’s sinking in that if I don’t fuck up here, I get to stay for, get this, 5 years. And that if I do that, I’ll probably be here for most of the 5 years. Maybe run away to the states for one or two of the summers, and I hear it’s allowed now to spend part of the 5th year overseas, but… wow, that’s a long ass time.

Maybe it’s just because I really don’t know that many people here (still, I know, I are lame). Or maybe it’s because it’s a $2000, 17-30 hour flight home. Or maybe it’s because riding into town this morning, to pick up stuff I don’t need, so I can study, I realised that I’m going to be in this dinky ass town for the next 5 years. More if I screw up this semester- so porbably more. I’m in this dinky ass, tiny, nothing really to do town for 5 years. And after this year, I’m going to have even less time to hang out, and travel, and do fun stuff. I kinda wish I could skip this lecture, memorise, boring part of the degree, and jump straight into the “fun” part, where you spend at least *some* of your time interacting with other people/ animals, rather than boring ass textbooks about, oh, chemistry, and angles, and all that stuff I hate.

I don’t know. Maybe I need a mantra. Or two. Or maybe just a list of good things I can have if I just get over it all ready, and work my ass off here- like a job as a vet, and…. I can live in NY, or SF, or… I don’t know, someplace big and fun, with neat museums, and good shoping. Like Paris, France. (not paris, texas, please, dear bob, no!). Ugh. I guess so long as it’s *only* (snort) a 14 or 20 or 28 hour flight to go bug my family, I can deal with it. Sure I can.

So yeah, Miss home, even though I’m not quite sure what home is. Probably pizza, and bartenders I know, and tipping, and doritos. And salsa I can actually buy, and canned black beans. Hmmm… home looks like food to me…

Heck, it could just be that I’m afraid of staying in one place this long- 5 years in the same town has got to be some sort of record for me.

homesickness= bad. Make it go away. Please?


International student hell

Monday, April 10th, 2006

good news- I have money

bad news-

I pretty much failed my bio test

I pretty much failed my chem lab report test

I pretty much totally completely and utterly failed my physics test (I can draw free body diagrams, ain’t’cha proud of me?).

I still have two more midterms left

I woke up sick three days ago

I woke up with explosive diarhea this afternoon

On the plus side-

I managed to “hold it in” while failing my physics test.

Everyone I talked to can also draw free body diagrams- and not do much else. (note, this is a good argument for a- going to class everyday, and b- actually reading the freaking book and working the questions out- think 4th grade math, same idea)

It turns out that while I did bad on the bio of animals exam, my 68 is infact above the bulge-y bit of the curve.

everyone else probably bombed the lab report test too

my student health insurance covers me when I’m sick,

there’s free pizza wednesday evening

I still have two more midterms left


Physics lets you drop the mid term, and just use your score on the final for both parts of the grade.

In other news-

Wanted- One reasonably hot guy with sexy voice wanted to sit in my room reading my school stuff to me, take away my computer when I should be studying, cook me food, do my laundry, and fix my hair. Compensation- beer.



Friday, April 7th, 2006
I love Jack. I always have, I think. I just wasn't ready to admit it. And while I do, occasionally cheat on him with bud, or Johny, or jamison... I always come back to jack. So, I'm doing the student thing, ... [Continue reading this entry]

The wind

Tuesday, April 4th, 2006
Ok, after a bit less caffeine (which I *don't* get to make in organic chemistry... drat), and rather more TimTams (mmmm chocolate) and a bit of a nap, I'm going to see things better, damnit! The wind's been blowing here a ... [Continue reading this entry]

the night

Monday, April 3rd, 2006
... About four months ago, I was sitting, well squatting, freezing my ass off halfway up the side of some dumb-ass mountain. Staring up at the wild stars you can see from the wrong side of the earth. There were so ... [Continue reading this entry]

money woes and bad ideas

Sunday, March 26th, 2006
So, Easter break (that's spring break for those of you on the top of the planet) is coming up, right round easter, oddly enough, and I have to decide what to do. So far my choices seem to be a) stay in ... [Continue reading this entry]

chocolate-y heaven

Friday, March 24th, 2006
"heaven, I'm in heaven...." yeah, so I was running late for class today- not that that's new, or anything, and stopped in at the student association convinience store, looking for notecards to make into deamon o-chem flashcards, and while I didn't ... [Continue reading this entry]


Thursday, March 23rd, 2006
So John Clease thinks the town I'm in is very boring, and I don't know if I agree with him, but I will say it's no New York. But not everywhere has to be, right? I admit- I am a bad ... [Continue reading this entry]


Tuesday, March 7th, 2006
Tonight (March 7th) is census night in New Zealand. Everyone (*everyone*) gets to fill out this little bubble form, and drop it at some spot- in my case the same place my rent would go if I had money- by ... [Continue reading this entry]

the land of the faux-hawk

Wednesday, March 1st, 2006
I'm not quite sure what's up with this. Perfectly attractive young men, all of them, so far as I can tell (and some of the not so attractive ones too) seem to have decided, for some un-bobly reason, that the ... [Continue reading this entry]