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Archive for June, 2006

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Thursday, June 22nd, 2006

Erm, yeah….

So it’s now break time, and I don’t know how much longer I’ll be here (I have a sneeking suspicion that the gov here might “forget” to renew my visa…) so I guess I’ll just have to take advantage of my break. I’m not quite sure how yet, though.

Ok, so that’s a total lie. I’m going to wander a bit, obviously. As cheap-like as possible. And sneaky me, busses in NZ give a 20% discount to students. I happen to be a student (well, this week, anyway…), so I’ll take nasty advantage of that. It’s really freaking cold lately, and there’s been some huge snowfall on the south island, from what I understand, so maybe that’s out, or maybe not, I haven’t decided yet.

Actually, I’m leaning a bit more toward the whole show up at the bus ticket place, and just get on the first bus going anywhere dealy. That way I go somewhere, I don’t have to wait tooooo long, and I am totally lost. Not that I wouldn’t be anyway. i think I’ll hit up the library tomorrow. They have lame-o guide books, I can snag one for a week or three.

Maybe I’ll blow my budget for July and jump out of a plane, or something. That would be cool. Or stupid. Or something. Wonder if they even do that in the depths of winter. Or maybe I’ll just end up in auckland for extra pages in my passport. Or maybe that can wait. Yeah, I think that can wait.



Tuesday, June 6th, 2006

So, unless some major act of weird happens, and I pull a’s and b’s out of my ass on finals in the next week or two, it looks like I’m not getting into the professional part of the program this year.

Not to discount my ability to pull obscenly high grades out of my ass, mind you, but… well, really… who cares which isn’t a molusc. It’s not like I eat any of them anyway… I mean, really.

“I’m sorry, I can’t eat that octopus, it’s a molusc”

Dude, I’m not eating octopus again anyway. Which brings me totally off topic- I hate it when I run into people who are “allergic to shell fish” but sitting in the italian restaurant munching away on squid. Where the hell is the difference? squid is shell fish without the shell. Ugh.

Back on topic- sorta.

So, If I don’t get in, I have to make choices. I hate making choices. Really really hate it. But I’ll have to do it, because without classes, they kick me out of the country. Of course, with abject failure they kick me out too (but since I can fail all my finals and still pass all my classes, I’m not too worried).

So my choices are (without out-of-ass-pulling of grades)-

a) stay here and take some other sciencey degree for a year or so (running up piles of icky debt)

b) Go back to wyoming for a semester or so, and take classes there (running up less debt, but… well, it’ wyoming.) before coming back here to try again next “fall” (that’s spring for those of you in places with doritos).

c) Go back to charleston, to C of C for a semester or so, trying not to fall too deeply back into my old bar hopping ways (more expensive than wyoming, possibly cheaper than staying here) and work for a vet to earn some extra cash and keep myself motivated- I can do that in wyoming too, but, well, it’s *wyoming*. then come back next fall (spring, oh havers of mexican food) to try again.
d) run away to mexico, default on my loans, sit on a beach somewhere and drink beer, sell tours to people who haven’t learned to order their own damned beer, never go home again.

Might I just say that, other than the whole totally non-ethical part, d is looking pretty damned good about now. Really.

But I’m super lazy, so It’ll probably be a- in which case, I’m looking rather seriously at a semester or two of genetics. It’s relatively interesting, useful for vet stuff somewhere, I’m sure, looks interesting, and has fewer required classes than just about anything else (lazy, remember?). I can toss in other stuff that interests me, or would be useful (can you say business classes?) And would have time to do something at least moderately fun for a year or so in my spare time.

But I’m taking votes. And for anyone interested in that sort of thing, I have a half a free trip between sfo and charleston to use up before the middle of feb. next year, and I’m seeing flights from auckland to sfo in the 850USD range.

I know someone’s reading this, so vote, little minions, vote!

Did I mention that if I go home for a semester or so, I can spend part of it on martha’s vineyard, making just enough to feed myself? Not that that should be important. You know, just putting it out there.
