A laptop free zone
Sunday, July 23rd, 2006I’d just like to say oops.
Not only am I now temporarily laptop free, but I did it in a really stupid way. Wait, maybe I should back up a bit. Or a lot.
So there I was, last tuesday, the second day of the semester, getting ready for class and all, when I grabbed this bottle of hair oil stuff I had next to my bed (to make my hair shiny and nice smelling) and lifted it over the floor which happened to be, in a sort of roundabout way, under the screen of my laptop. When it slipped.
Ouch? yes, ouch. Untill my stupid loan gets here, I have only the comforting words of a chick in my hall who’s been waiting for her laptop to come back from the shop for 4 months now. I’m not sending mine there, I promise. As soon as my money gets here, I am sooooo calling the fujitsu authorized service center, which should be able to get me a new monitor in less than a year (oh please, oh please) and get it back to me, all without mishap. I hope.
Oh, do I ever hope.
note to self- heavy object over breakable expensive thing = bad. Always.
off to whimper to myself about it again for a while. A long long while.