lazy lack of fun.
I am out of money, and energy- that’s what I get for quitting soda (mostly) and not having a coffee maker. It’s also raining again, and I’m about 6 weeks behind on my summer school work, which means I have less than three weeks to learn 9 weeks of stuff, before I have to go kick ass, etc in labs and exams and all that fun stuff.
For new years I had a great time. I threw a little party, just me, a movie, some home made fries and a bottle or three of RC Cola. exciting, I know.
Today’s excitement includes hunting down open shops to buy junk food in so I don’t have to do dishes/ cook. Also, if the weather clears up, laundry.
The fireworks in the square were nice, tho. And loud. And free.
Too bad I melt in rain- weather’s perfect for a bike ride.
Tags: life, school, summer
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