Travel thoughts
Sunday, February 4th, 2007I’m not travelling. It feels strange to need to say it. I mean.
I’m in a foreign country. They talk funny here, and the food is… odd. And it’s not home.
But I’m not travelling. If I were travelling I’d have seen more of the place than I have. And most of that is my own fault. But… it seems strange to me somehow that I could be thousands of miles from home, from all the really cool stuff that I really care about, and not be *travelling* while I’m there. Heck, I haven’t even sight-seen all the (4) things there are right here in town to see. Or gone to owlcatraz, but somehow I think I’ll keep avoiding that one.
I’ll have been here for a year on the 15th. That’s a long time to go having only really been to the Auckland airport, Wellington, Palmy, and napier.
I need to start organizing this life thing I have going on here so that I can actually see this place. After all, how embarassing will it be when I go back after 3 or 5 or 7 years and when people ask me about stuff all I can say is “I dunno, I didn’t have time. with school and all.”
I’d shoot me if I said that.
Maybe after I’ve taken my summer school exam, I’ll spend some of that week somewhere else. there’s plenty of places within a $20- bus ticket, and I’m sure most of them have someplace cheap to sleep.
Maybe, just maybe I should have spent my NY/ home money travelling NZ. Oh, well, too late now.