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Love for Wellington

Friday, September 1st, 2006
Ok, on Wednesday I finally made it to wellington. It was, in general, a fun trip, tho expensive- I can’t seem to stop myself from buying cute stuff when cute stuff is available. Bad for the budget, but now I can send all sorts of neato stuff to people back home. [read on]


Tuesday, August 29th, 2006

So I *was* going to Wellington this morning. But I’m a dumb ass, and rather than writing my paper early this morning, so I could turn it in, I read smutty books. I think I need a nice solid boot to the ass. note I said to, not in. 

So I’ll write it tonight, try to drop it off tomorrow morning, or else con one of my flatmates into dropping it off for me. If I can get it in by three tomorrow, I can still get a 90+% in the class. After that, well, it gets ugly.

Why did I really not go this morning? there’s something about crawling out of a nice warm bed, pulling on clothes, and then leaving the warm-ish comforts of my room for a 4 mile walk in the cold windy rain. At 5am. I think it’s the 5am thing that gets me. Really!

In other news, it’s about half as expensive to buy an ok digi-cam and memory from someplace in the states, have them ship it to my mother, and my mother ship it to me, and then me pay some nasty import tax on it as it is to just buy the dratted thing here. they want over 200$ for a 512mb flash card. CraaaZy, dude. So adding that (or having my mother hunt down the one I left behind) to my must buy list. I mean, the photo-free blogging is cool, and all (or not) but honestly, I’d really rather have photos. That way, at least, when I tell you people that the courtyard is flooded 3 feet deep, I can send you pictures of people sitting on top of the picnic table, with the water swirling at their ankles.

So yeah, tomorrow for wellington, and I’ll probably have to put down a huge nasty deposit on a new screen. Let this be a lesson to all you other clutzy people out there- don’t put your computer anywhere you could ever possibly drop anything on it. It’s expensive and nasty to fix.


movies and change of summer plans

Sunday, August 27th, 2006
So there’s this film festival thing here- in the town I mean (and I do mean town- except this (skype free) net cafe, the whole town rolls up the sidewalks at 4 or 5 on sundays. and nothing opens until ... [Continue reading this entry]


Saturday, July 15th, 2006
So... It's july. It's winter. The spring semester starts, Oh, tomorrow. What am I doing? I be plotting what to do this summer. Welcome to bad ideas for dummies part 10. So, with very careful manouvering of my funds, and budget, and ... [Continue reading this entry]

New Zealand, \/\/007!

Thursday, June 22nd, 2006
Erm, yeah.... So it's now break time, and I don't know how much longer I'll be here (I have a sneeking suspicion that the gov here might "forget" to renew my visa...) so I guess I'll just have to take advantage ... [Continue reading this entry]


Tuesday, June 6th, 2006
So, unless some major act of weird happens, and I pull a's and b's out of my ass on finals in the next week or two, it looks like I'm not getting into the professional part of the program this ... [Continue reading this entry]

studying- well, not really

Friday, May 26th, 2006
Haven't posted much. Have to really study- really actually do it this time- less than 4 weeks untill finals and all that- like, untill they're over. And I have a Huge pile of crap to get through. So what did I ... [Continue reading this entry]

A sleep deprived coffee haze

Monday, May 1st, 2006
It's getting close to my last mid term the one I really really, really have to actually do well on. I did not sleep last night. I did not sleep today. I didn't go to class, either. Oops. Went into ... [Continue reading this entry]

road rash

Friday, April 28th, 2006
Well, not really road so much, as sidewalk. Monday night I was walking to the common room with my slippers on (well, kinda) with dinner in one hand, and a cup of soda in the other. Tripped over just about nothing ... [Continue reading this entry]

Rainy day thoughts

Tuesday, April 18th, 2006
I'm still in NZ, it seems to rain a lot here. Today, I guess, more than usual. It's been raining all day long, off and on. It would probably suck if I were trying to hike, or wandering some mysterious new ... [Continue reading this entry]