Hiya mate…
Today (Monday) I did alot of walking around. Spent about 3 hours at the New Zealand Maritime Museum. It was pretty interesting. Barbara-you would have loved it. I now know why they call Auckland, the “city of sails.”
The streets here remind me of San Francisco-very steep!! I am sure I will be in pain tomorrow…ack! I did book a tour for tomorrow afternoon so that I can see the city “properly”. All in all, there are tons of backpackers everywhere and it seems very “westernized”. I even got to see a demonstration against a McDonalds. Haha. In the cafe in the hostel, it is CNN all the time. Guess who was on? Condoleeza Rice talking about Iraq. Can’t seem to get away from that. Boo!
Hope all is well with everyone!!!
Ciao for now-
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