BootsnAll Travel Network

Melbourne Cup Day

Well, I had not realized how big Melbourne Cup Day is in Oz!!! Basically, the whole country stops what they are doing to watch the horse race at 3PM! We started the day by going to Claudia’s school (Shevahn’s niece)…they had a “Best Dressed” competition-hats, scarves, and all, as well as a race. One of the kids was the horse, one was the jockey. It was pretty comical. Afterwards, we did some shopping and then stopped into the Pub to watch the race. The favored horse, Makybe Diva, won. Shevahn actually won some money betting on the race.

Now we are relaxing a bit before our drive back to Adelaide tomorrow. Ciao for now!


5 Responses to “Melbourne Cup Day”

  1. Mar Says:

    Hey g/f, just got back from ARUBA, had a wonderful time, sounds like you are having the time of your life, can’t wait to read more.

  2. Posted from United States United States
  3. Jacinta Says:

    HI Kris,
    sounds like youre having an amazing time in OZ – glad to hear it!!! I’m now in chrsitchurch having done a bungy and skydive – it was amazing!!

    Was really good to meet you

    Have fun

    J x

  4. Posted from New Zealand New Zealand
  5. Eileen & Joe Says:

    Finally, we got into this to catch up on your adventures.
    It sure sounds like your having a wonderful time.
    We are waiting impatiently for your pictures. Enjoy & be safe! Bean & Smokie say Hi.
    Mom & Dad

  6. Posted from United States United States
  7. Kristen Says:

    Eileen & Joe-
    Glad to see you figured out how to read the blog…haha!

  8. Posted from Australia Australia
  9. Kristen Says:

    Hey you! It was great to meet you too-I haven’t forgotten to email you the pic from the Irish Pub…as soon as I find another decent cafe-prob. Melbourne:)
    Keep in touch-Kristen

  10. Posted from Australia Australia