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transport traditions

Friday, March 21st, 2008

these boots were made for walking……

they’re broken in….and served me well on this hike last week:

but when we have further to go, we have other options:

we’re wondering how we’ll get around when we’re “on the road”….we’re looking forward to discovering other transport traditions (and now we can link to that page in the sidebar – at last)….we don’t have every leg of the journey planned, we don’t know where we’ll be staying each night (or even the first night for that matter)……we’re just hoping the boats we want to use take at least ten people, we’re hoping that trains are easier than buses, we’re hoping that by using local public transport we will meet more people than by insulating ourselves in our own vehicle or simply flying…….

traditional crafts

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2007

Over the past few years I’ve joined the resurgence of Young(-ish, in my case) People tuning in to the joys of slowly-made hand-crafted items.
I record much of what I make on one of my other blogs: intricateSIMPLICITY
It seems to be contagious and the children spend good parts of their days make-make-making things too. They have been useless at updating their blog since we shifted to WordPress, but you’ll find examples of their works at inventions and adventures if you care to.

And now I can link this page to the Traditional Crafts page in the sidebar. It seems to be taking F.O.R.E.V.E.R. to link all those pages.