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ancient, old, long in the tooth

Thursday, October 4th, 2007

We have a jar of questions/statements/riddles on the dining room table to prompt dinner-time discussion. Sounds like it’s a regular thing, doesn’t it?Actually, we just started this week!
The first question was: what is your earliest memory? Poor old M5 blurted out “I can’t remember anything” – I guess he doesn’t really have much of a history yet!
But Grandpa does. He thought he couldn’t remember back very far, but he does have three quarters of a century to go! He made it almost to the beginning, to an incident when their family was leaving India to head back to England on the ship……which somehow led to the brothers counting chickenpox on each other……to a model biplane on an aunt’s mantlepiece, which he wasn’t allowed to touch… a game another aunt had, a wooden one with a stick in the corner of a board from which hung a ball on a string, and there were skittles to knock over…….

“I’ve seen that”, J13 cried gleefully, “there’s one at the Howick Historic Village”

Ah yes, old, old, history is old, and another link is made, on the blog and between the generations.

Love those dinnertime discussions.

hans christianspiration andersen

Tuesday, September 4th, 2007

We’ve been reading aloud some Hans Christian Andersen classics this week, and today picked up a simple biography to learn a little more about The Man.

“At the age of fourteen, Hans climbed aboard a coach clutching a bundle of clothes. Soon he was rattling out of Odense. He was on his way to Copenhagen, Denmark’s capital city. He was bursting with hope and excitement.”

“By the summer of 1829, Hans had earned enough money to take a holiday. He made a tour of Denmark.”

Now here’s a sponsorship deal:
“Over the next three years, Hans became a well-known writer. His poems, plays and stories sold all over Denmark. Now he wanted to see more of the world. The Danish king granted him enough money for a long trip abroad.
“So Hans set out on his next great adventure. First he went to Germany, then to France. Paris, the capital of France, seemed to be a wonderland, with its grand buildings and milling crowds. Here, Hans met other famous writers and composers.
“He travelled on to Italy. This was even more wonderful! Hans loved Rome so much that he stayed there for four months, looking at the churches and ancient ruins. He told a friend that the city “has opened my eyes to beauty””
He didn’t stop there though. He made it to Greece and modern-day Turkey, before taking the then-dangerous trip up the River Danube.
At a later date he even recahed the shores of England and Scotland, where he met Charles Dickens (and in preparation for his trip, he learnt English!)

What inspiration. The book may not have been well-written, but the ideas it contained sparked imaginations round here. Where’s Odense? Is the statue of Andersen still around? Is there an Andersen museum anywhere?
It just so happens that Odense is right on the train line that we are planning on taking from Copenhagen to Esbjerg. We might have to stop. There’s a museum to visit and a walk to take.


Monday, September 3rd, 2007
Just doing a little blog spring clean (virtual spring cleaning is so much more interesting than the bucket-of-water-and-old-rag-real-life sort!) I've discovered I cannot put categories on the pages listed in my sidebar. Well, actually you CAN put them on, but they ... [Continue reading this entry]