or how about…..?
Wednesday, August 27th, 2008Romantic-Mama and a strapping six year old on one of these
with a three year old on the back in one of these
and the five year old helping push from behind on one of these
Then the dadda, 13yo and 14yo could be the main powers on three remaining bikes just like the first one, and pull a trailer behind, as per yesterday’s plan. Second power would be the eight to twelve year olds.
On the flat they could all swap and change positions – because all those second powers *will* want their turn on the tag-along, won’t they? (and I won’t mind a bigger stoker giving me a hand occasionally!)
Main advantages: 1) a child seat and tag-along is six hundred dollars cheaper than the child trailer and 2) the five year old would be able to contribute some power instead of just being a dead weight pulled along.
But I doubt it would be as comfortable for them, and two kids sitting side by side would probably make the miles go much more quickly than one sitting on her own behind her mother.
Not that it really matters, because the idea has not met with much favour with Anyone Who Makes Decisions anyway.
(But it’s nice to have a record of some of the crazy plans we hatch along the way)