to buy or rent?
Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008There are some definite correlations between real estate talk and guidebook chat. In the travel world, character filled actually means pokey and dim, authentic bedding means a really thin mattress on a wooden platform, close to amenities means there’s a disco next door so you won’t sleep until dawn, and who would have thought that “safe” could ever mean you’d be padlocked into your cell room at night? But it’s true. Internet reviews have told me so.
So, just like when you’re looking to purchase property, you end up sneaking a peek at those places that are just a teeny tiny bit outside your budget;-) You apparently get so much more for seemingly not much additional outlay. Your own toilet. A Fan. No bedbugs.
And before you know it, you’ve discovered a costs-not-much-more-than-that-one place with a laundry and children’s playground and swimming pool. Because you’re no longer comparing the price to your original budget, it doesn’t seem so bad.
And you even email reservations and make some enquiries.
The reply brings you back to earth with a thud. Nice places like that only let you take three children. But you wonder how much it would cost to take two apartments instead of one. 560. Hmm, the budget was 144.
Thankfully Jim emails just in time to say he can do a room for two people for 22.
Does he have bedbugs? Don’t know (couldn’t find an online review)
Discos? Don’t know.
Fan? Yes.
Aircon? No.
Laundry? Doubt it.
Playground? Does the street curb count?
Internet connection? Yes siree.
Then we’ll take it thanks. If you’ve got five rooms, that is.