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progress party

Friday, March 7th, 2008

We’re almost in party mode here………we came *this close* (hold finger and thumb in front of your nose, not too far apart) to booking tickets today……….

In the meantime there’s the Ultimate Blog Party in full swing.
Ultimate Blog Party 2008

Maybe our family (dad, mum, eight kids and grandpa) will be able to meet some of you virtual party-goers in real life when we hit the road later on this year. We’ll be on the move for twelve months and although we don’t plan to pass through the U.S., I know many of you live in Other Places. If you’re in South East Asia, maybe we’ll see you in a hostel. If you’re in Mongolia, we might eat fatty lamb round a fire in our ger. If you’re in the UK or Europe, we’d love to park our caravan and van in your driveway for a night! We’ll bring playmates for your kids – promise!

Do you want to check up on us before we drop by? You’ll find us cooking up a storm at have pinny, will cook, exploring our book love at off the BOOKshelf, marvelling at creation over at in awe and wonder, and the kids are always into inventions and adventures. Never a dull moment in this neck of the woods. 


Wednesday, February 20th, 2008

She was so impressed at the children’s determination to save up enough money to go to Disneyland that one of Rob’s work colleagues gifted them a handmade-by-her-husband-elephant-bank to keep their savings in. Thanks Mrs S!
We considered saving the elephant for the *raising money for South East Asia volunteer projects* and sticking with their glass jar with Mickey Mouse ears for Disneyland…….but the kiddos decided it would be too hard to know which jar to put their pickings into. They’re honest, our kids. I’ve even overheard them murmuring together about “should we put our Disneyland money into the volunteer fund? but we really want to go to Disneyland…..but what about those kids who have never seen a book?……but Disneyland would be so much fun…..oh it’s so hard……”
So for now the Disneyland fund remains the first goal (so far it’s mostly been the entire contents of their piggy banks supplemented by coins scavenged from Coke machines). When they’ve reached that goal, they’re going to throw their hearts and souls into serious fundraising for the projects we’ll be visiting. You should see the plans they have!

In the meantime, there’s a thank you card with moving trunk and flapping ear to complete.

another thumbs up

Tuesday, February 19th, 2008
No, we hadn't been planning on going to Laos; in fact, we were going to head south from Bangkok. But a colleague at Rob's work told him about a project there that captured our hearts. So we emailed, trying not ... [Continue reading this entry]

that would be a yes

Saturday, February 9th, 2008
As a family we've been asking God what work He has prepared for us to do while we travel. We've been flicking off emails to a few *projects* that have caught our attention. Mostly we get no reply. Occasionally we ... [Continue reading this entry]

a pack for everyone

Friday, February 8th, 2008
packs First walk with everyone carrying a pack....OK, so the Little One didn't have hers.....can you blame us? It was sweltering hot, backs got sticky, M5 didn't complain again and was as proud of it as last ... [Continue reading this entry]

little girl, big bed

Wednesday, January 30th, 2008
One of our necessary preparations for The Trip is to get ER (now 20 months) sleeping in a big bed instead of a cot with sides that keep her in. She's having her First Ever Daytime Nap in Big ... [Continue reading this entry]

all the way from Macpac

Monday, December 3rd, 2007
macpac package "Mama, there's a courier.....he's left a big box.....A Big Box Mum.....he needs you to sign for's from's a big box've got to see it." Oh the excitement. I even managed to grab the camera, move ... [Continue reading this entry]

ancient, old, long in the tooth

Thursday, October 4th, 2007
We have a jar of questions/statements/riddles on the dining room table to prompt dinner-time discussion. Sounds like it's a regular thing, doesn't it?Actually, we just started this week! The first question was: what is your earliest memory? Poor old M5 ... [Continue reading this entry]


Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007
We're going to need a miracle. So this will be a good place to link to the Seeing God page in the sidebar;-) The nurse from our medical centre just called with the news of which vaccinations we need and ... [Continue reading this entry]


Saturday, September 22nd, 2007
I wondered why Pilgrims' Progress was suddenly a hot destination when I hadn't even posted anything for a couple of days. Here's why: click me. Thanks Kristen! can see this post is inspired by Kristen's own submission - thanks ... [Continue reading this entry]