BootsnAll Travel Network

life’s a beach they say

Capitolo, Italy

there’s not much to say

get up, have breakfast, do family devotions, complete chores (which doesn’t take long in such a small space, even including the hand washing), head for the beach

return for lunch and naps and writing and reading

back to the beach for as long as you think the kids will last without falling to pieces

home for showers (cold from outdoor nozzle or with water heated in bottles in the sun all day) and dinner and mosquito fighting as the sun sets

Ah yes, mosquitoes….at three this morning we were nearly ready to leave Italy! Most mozzies encountered so far have been the quiet variety that might bite, but at least let you sleep. Not the Capitolo ones. They buzz, they bite and they call for war in the middle of the night. So we fought by torchlight. Casualties were high on both sides. We killed a lot, but we all look like we contracted chickenpox in the process!

However, we didn’t need to get to the beach to change our minds about staying. An email from Grandpa, who had needed to get up in the night to add a blanket to his four degrees bed and shivering as he hung his washing out at only eight degrees at ten in the morning, wearing more clothes than we even have in our packs, fending off calls from telemarketers within hours of arriving home….that all reminded us we’re in a grand place!

then there was the beach, of course

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3 responses to “life’s a beach they say”

  1. Fiona Taylor says:

    Yeah, mozzies don’t seem quite so bad. At least you can use repellant. Enjoy the beach. We have sunshine in Akl today! Yay!! and 14C.

  2. Gran and Pa says:

    We had sunshine in BOP today and had an enjoyable walk around the Mount this morning. Bay of Plenty beat Canterbury at Baypark which we saw from a corporate box hosted by Firth Concrete. Enjoy the beach, sorry about the mosi’s though. All our love to all.

  3. Karen says:

    So where is the ‘kini shot of you Rach???

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