you want the whole truth, don’t you?
by Rach (hope you’re not getting bored with only one author!)
Nyons, France
It’s an ugly morning complete with arguing, skinned elbows and a route taking in every industrial estate in the south of France; even the sunflowers are sad, their brown heads lowered in mass death.
Mountains rise in the distance, beckoning us.
The words of the psalmist echo in my ears, “I lift my eyes up to the mountains, where my help comes from.” We need His help.
Our relationships are as broken as the dry stony soil lining the roads we are traversing. But out of that soil is growing an abundance. There are grapes, peaches, apricots, apples, cherries, melons, potatoes, tomatoes, French beans. Can the keeper of the vines prune us too and cause us to bear good fruit?
Expecting pruning to be painful (and the morning was, but due to my own shortcomings, not The Master’s work) I am surprised at the answer to the still-in-my-head question.
Kilometre after kilometre we travel through double lines of plane trees standing guard on either side of the road providing welcome relief from the scorching sun, avenues of cool rest.
“Take my yoke upon you for my burden is light.”
I relax a little and laughter fills the van as Grandpa considers dancing sur le pont d’Avingnon. Unfortunately our route deviates away less than 20km from the town.
Time on the road: need to check Jboy13’s record!
Distance covered: 144km
Tags: 2008/09, postcard: France
blessings guys.