BORING BOOKS (a scandalous suggestion!)
Books may not be boring, but the titles of my online bookshelves are certainly lacking in the inspiration stakes. All of my blogs have bookshelves, and not one of them bears an interesting title.
There’s Garden Reads on Up the Garden Path.
Intricate Simplicity takes the prize for The Most Unoriginal Title: Bookshelf.
Pilgrims’ Progress is hardly an exception (and yet with a name like that, you’d expect to be meeting a bit of bibliophile, probably with at least a little literary leaning, wouldn’t you?….sorry to disappoint)…all I could come up with was on the BOOKshelf.
And then I self-plagiarised the idea to off the BOOKshelf for a whole blog devoted to the education I am getting from books.
Now that I have posted about books and linked to my pilgrim’s bookshelf, I can slap on a category and the page in my sidebar will turn up if anyone should ever choose to search my site (which they probably won’t, but I’m doing it anyway, because that’s the one and only purpose of this particular post….unless you count the agonizingly awful alliteration attempts :-))
Tags: 2008/09, book, Travel
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