Museum Mecca
by Rachael, who enjoys history much more than science
Hong Kong
You name it, there’s a museum about it here. From Dr Sun Yat Sen to Coastguard Services, from police to science to history. And it was the latter we visited today, in particular The Story of Hong Kong exhibit. With a vast array of real life objects, photographs, murals, dioramas, life-size reconstructions, short movies, computer explorations and a make-your-own-ancestral-hall activity, we gained a broader understanding of the geological composition of the area, the destruction typhoons have wrought, Chinese migrations and ways of life, including, but not limited to, salt production, opera, festivals, clothing, architecture, wedding rituals, shrimp paste manufacturing and rice harvesting. We were walked through The Opium Wars 101, took note of the British influence still apparent on the streets to this day, and filled a gap in both Rob’s and my general knowledge; neither of us knew anything about the three year eight month Japanese occupation that destroyed (for a time) the country both socially and economically. we contemplated our family living in the 11m2 flat we would have been resettled in if we had not already (with a million others) been repatriated to Mainland China.
By the time we got to the Handing Back To China, too many children had wilted to allow a comprehensive look – but as we scurried past, Mboy6 was able to tell us of a particular photo, “That’s the sword that was handed over from the British.” He must’ve been paying attention!
All in all, an informative day.
Tags: children, craft, history, learning, parenting, postcard: Hong Kong, recreation, tradition
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