How will we remember Cambodia?
The unedited answer elicited from the family over dinner a few nights back
Phnom Penh, Cambodia to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
very dirty
rip you off-y
public urinal
barking dogs
honking horns
heavy-handed on horns!
smelly drains
affectionate people
baskets on heads
squat a lot
tropical fruit feast
angkor amazing
itinerant sellers calling their wares along the street
(ask Mrs H about this dog if you see her!!!!!)
remember none of these vehicles are stationary – all are moving!
rice sellers on our street
And when we looked at our photos we found a few “remember that?!” experiences
we haven’t blogged about yet…..
on the way to the Chinese Embassy in the middle of town
being given green coconut drink while a man sharpened the pocketknives
remember the day Mama came home and could hardly tell us what she had done she was laughing so much? and how it really wasn’t even funny? That was the funniest bit! When she had exchanged money the man had asked her if it was “real” and she nodded her head emphatically declaring that it certainly was….and immediately realised that he was asking if she would like “riel”, the local currency. Not sure why she found it so funny!
And so we left Cambodia…….
P.S. We added one last “goodbye” photo at the ed of yesterday’s post – you might like to scroll down to have a look.
Tags: children, postcard: Cambodia
Thanks for continuing to share your journey. Blessings to you xox
just wondering rach, does this adventure still seem rather surreal?
i didn’t really mean to add that but couldn’t resist.
seriously now, it’s a weird thing to SEE you all in these far off lands.
i am rather small-globed, i know X