BootsnAll Travel Network

not everyone agrees

“Who do you think you are? You think you’re so special to go off to save the world and you don’t even do enough in your own back yard. Charity starts at home, you know.”

We just knew someone would say something along those lines at some stage. Didn’t make it hurt any the less when it finally happened though.

Rob was very hesitant about “going on tv”. Very Hesitant. In fact, at first he said, “No. We don’t want that kind of exposure, it’s not like we’re even doing anything particularly special and many people are giving their lives up to great causes every day. They are the ones who should be on television.”
But then we considered the fact that it’s not about us, not about what we feel comfortable with. And we figured if we were given such an opportunity to raise just one person’s awareness of the needs of others around the world, then perhaps we had a responsibility to use it. Never mind that we didn’t end up getting to say much about that at all. Doesn’t change that THAT was our hope as the makeup was brushed across our faces.

And now we’re wishing we hadn’t done it.

We don’t want people thinking that we think we are wonderful. Coz we’re not. We’re just one family, who has had a goal to give its children the experience of life-outside-our-privileged-world. And so that’s what we’re going to do. It’s true, that we will volunteer at a few places along the way – but that doesn’t make us exceptionally philanthropic. It’s just who we are. When we’re at home we help refugees settle in the country and take meals to families with new babies and we usually have so many kids around the house that being in an orphanage will not seem that unusual.

So, who do I think I am? Not someone special. Not someone wonderful. Fortunately, you don’t have to be special or wonderful in order to make a difference in the world. You don’t need to be perfect to make a little difference in someone’s life. You don’t have to have it all together to decide to do something good. We’ll make mistakes, but we can’t live in the negative. We’ve got to do the best with what we’ve been given.


6 responses to “not everyone agrees”

  1. Ann says:

    I don’t know what circumstances caused someone to say that, but shame on them. Even if you opted out of volunteering abroad what you are doing is very admirable. You are doing more than enough in your own backyard because your family is your backyard and that’s where it all starts. Your kids will, at the very least, be aware of other people in this world. Not many people have that. Furthermore, they will be able to see their own potential. That’s the greatest gift and the impact of that will last a lot longer than – well, anything.

  2. jen says:

    what a hurtful remark. Im sori you had to endure it.

    And what a wonderful experience your family is going to have
    They will forget it
    They will be affected it and it will raise their awareness about life is all about
    Maybe through them others will become aware too.
    I pray it does happen

    I think your volunteering does make you special and you will be blessed too.
    I thank the internet for allowing me to know such caring people such as your family are
    You are humble as rightfully you should be
    Remember its not what others think of you but what God thinks and Im sure hes smiling down at you and yours
    Your serving Him
    You will be an inspiration to others Im sure as they read your blog and understand and see what you are doing

    bless you

  3. Craig says:

    Anyone who has read this blog and know the littlest bit about your family understands well that you are trying to bring something positive to this world and to your children’s life.

    Remember: There are those who do – and those who spend their time criticizing doers.

    Don’t ever let those critics get you down.

    Go forth and do your good works.

  4. homehandymum says:

    I just want to say thankyou for going on TV. I didn’t see the actual clip, not having a TV in our house 🙂 But I did see it linked to in a home-ed-er’s yahoo group.

    It inspired me to be more faithful and trusting of God in our own lives.

    thanks, and may you have a simply wonderful time!

  5. Grandpa A says:

    Well I guess it had to come – sooner or later. But criticism is never easy to take, even when it it objective, well-balanced and ultimately helpful. This criticism seems to have none of those saving graces, so one has to feel some sympathy for the critic who has so mis-interpreted your motives, and we feel even more sympathy for you, still coming to terms with that situation. But I fancy that ‘bloggers’ must be prepared for this sort of reaction. You know I have expressed reservations about the whole blog thing, because it can smack of a ‘hey, look at me; see what I am doing’ and that is an attoitude asking to be cut down to size. But I happen to live almost as much in your home as my own, so I have a fair inkling of what makes you tick. We don’t always agree and often have some interseting discussions about differing points of view. One thing I am sure of is your sincerity, your integrity and your desire to help your family mature into citizens who will make a difference for good on this planet.
    So good on you. Keep on living for the things you believe in; dare to be different; accept that you are not perfect; be prepared to listen and learn – but don’t abandon your dreams. Bless you

  6. victoria says:

    I’ve been really inspired by your ideas for showing your children how people in other countries live and hope to copy some of them myself when we embark on our trip in a couple of years time. So what if you are not saving the world single handed – who can do that? I think that by trying to bring your children up as responsible citizens of the world you are doing your best, and who knows what they might achieve when they grow up? I look forward to reading more about your volunteering over the coming year.

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