World Travellers – Part VI
A well-organised site
Stunning photography
Superbly written stories
(with promise of more to come)
They have what we were dreaming of!
They being a family consisting of mum, dad, a boy and a girl, who are about to take a year off school/the Office Desk and go round the world. Right round the world.
The Wide Wide World.
Their website was planned to make its debut on Pilgrims’ Progress next week, but opening night has been brought forward. Why? Because I commented on their latest post today and within a few hours they had replied. That’s pretty friendly, don’t you think? Well, I *was* offering them pavlova when they make it to New Zealand, but as it turns out we’ll already be on our own adventure by the time they get here. But maybe we’ll meet them in South East Asia. Over a bowl of noodles. I hope we’ll be able to discuss how unfounded our fears were – for now, it’s been encouraging to see there are others who have little panic attacks in the middle of the night too! Others who are a wee bit scared to talk about their trip! Others who have hit the 196 Days To Go mark (actually, we’ve hit that one too. In fact, our children started the numbered countdown on the calendar in the kitchen at 194 days…and that was 43 days ago now).
It would be fun to meet this family – and we just might – isn’t that a bizarre thought?
I just hope they get an authentic kiwi family experience when they hit New Zealand!
Tags: World Travellers
Hey, you —
What an amazing adventure you will be having, and have had to this point!
I have been reading Oswald Chambers’ “My utmost for His highest” and he (Oswald) talks about vision (God’s part) and duty (our part). Sooooo, my question is: over these last few years (or decades, or a lifetime…): what has been God’s part, and what has been your part, in getting ready for this trip…?
Karen this question deserves more of an answer than a three line comment….I’m mulling it over and will post yet.