Kboy12, number two son
Thursday, December 3rd, 2009Brasov, Romania
A follower, admiring whoever he is spending time with….one who is happiest in the company of others and in heaven if there is also a ball…..one who wants to make money and prefers to own things than simply borrow them….one who would rather engage in adventure than do dishes or clean toilets….a dreamer, who can while away the day doing absolutely nothing. The first in our family to miss friends at home, but also the first to make friends wherever we are.
“How will the trip affect you in your life to come?” we asked him.
I think I will definitely not have five flash cars like I used to want. I may not even get a car at all, although that is unlikely (unless we move to a city with good transportation like trolley busses and metro and trams, and a house near the market).
I will definitely use less water, because I used to think water would never run out, but with being in the motorhomes and gers with no running water, I now know that water is actually precious. One bath is about one tank of water.
And I thank God for how fortunate I am to have done this trip, and for the beautiful world God has made for us live in.
One day I might be a missionary in one of the countries we went to, to tell the people who can’t see God that He wants to open their eyes. (One of the strongest impressions I have got is how many Asians make marvellous temples for idols and Buddhas, but all the effort they put in is for nothing.)