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Archive for April, 2009

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home on the range

Friday, April 10th, 2009

by Rachael
Orkhon, Mongolia (don’t even look for it on a map! Darkhan is the closest town you’ll find)

First day on the ranch (Anak Ranch, that is) and we’re in for another sensory overload, this time of a totally different nature to other times. This is no city, you won’t get more country than this.

  • smell
    that distinctive open dunny stench mingles with wood smoke from the firebox, horse hair, sandy dust and traditional meat and vegetable soup
  • taste
    milk, fresh from the cows, yoghurt made from more of the same, tomorrow there’ll be hot steaming rice porridge with even more…not to mention Mongolian dumplings, crunchy fresh salad, brown bread with strawberry jam, sausage and eggs…..
  • touch
    fire heat bursting out of the ger onto our cold noses at 4:30 in the morning when we arrive, after a few more hours sleep, smooth silky goats snuggling in our arms, warm wet tongues licking us, the rascals nibbling our shoe laces

  • hear
    tractors humming, goats bleating, cows mooing, a large black bird’s wings pumping as it soars past overhead, Martin’s stories

  • see
    as far as your eyes let you
    I *should* write a description, but words cannot do this place justice. It has a feel to it that I have not yet identified. Maybe it’s the sheer vastness. Maybe it’s the shimmering brown fields of grass, that show a hint of green only when you sit down and inspect closely (as you do when you take the goats out to pasture). Maybe it’s the fact that the temperature (positively wintery by Auckland standards, but Bahamas-balmy for these folks) makes us feel the days should be short, but the sun does not set until close to 8pm. Surreal. Maybe it’s the mountains – way way off in the distance. The way they totally enclose the plain reminds us of Yangshuo, but there the closeness was claustrophobic and here they surround us, but the space between them makes you feel very very insignificant. Yes, maybe it’s the open-ness and scale that lends a unique air to this place.

Our fantastic first couchsurf set a high standard for our Mongolian month, but the next week ranged from nondescript to disappointing. One day at the ranch, however, is everything we had hoped for and then some….and we’ve got a full week here.


Thursday, April 9th, 2009

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Every year or five (depending who you talk to) a ger needs to be dismantled, cleaned and reassembled. Pulling it apart takes less than an hour. Putting it back together would no doubt take a bit longer, but even still, that’s not too much of  a time investment in household maintenance, even for those who do the job every year – some even do it twice a year at the change of season, to have a different covering for summer and winter. These gers, we noted, were in better condition than the less frequently changed ones.









Wednesday, April 8th, 2009
by both of us Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Certainly this is a hard country to live in; from winter to summer there are wild extremes in temperature (in the region of 80-100 degrees C), hard winters kill off most vegetation, the dry spring ... [Continue reading this entry]


Tuesday, April 7th, 2009
by Rob Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Cultural differences are sometimes easy to pick and identify, and at other times you are struck at just how similar we all are across the world despite these differences. To me, Cambodia and Vietnam were strikingly different, ... [Continue reading this entry]

blogfest coming

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009
written in Moscow on 21 April, but backdated to make sense Orkhon (which noone has heard of) to Moscow in four days. What a contrast! But you're going to have to wait for the Moscow posts....we've got two weeks of posts ... [Continue reading this entry]

going quiet

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009
written on April 13th, backdated to the 7th to make chronological sense of the rest of the posts Orkhon, Mongolia blew up computer's power pack the other day so no pooter till we have traversed this continent at least - may not ... [Continue reading this entry]

gotta pick a pocket or two

Monday, April 6th, 2009
by Rachael Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia He’s still shaking as he bursts through the door and sinks onto a couch. A white bandage stands out on his Asian-coloured cheek, one lens is missing from his glasses and his girlfriend is close to tears. “What ... [Continue reading this entry]

a quiet night at the hostel

Sunday, April 5th, 2009
by Rach Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia So there we are sitting in our hostel room, having read the warning signs and verbally been informed to NOT open the door to strangers. It’s late, dark and Grandpa has already been relieved of his camera ... [Continue reading this entry]

GER: Global Education Received

Friday, April 3rd, 2009
by a very grateful Rachael Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 60% of the city’s population is without running water…is this Africa? Nope, too cold for that. Are we in a refugee camp? No, although we are living in a tent. Is this a medieval ... [Continue reading this entry]

What We Found In The Gobi

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009
by Rach Zooming through the Gobi Desert Predictably perhaps, brown sand. However, it is not quite so simple. The smooth rolling sand dunes I had expected are littered with stones, sprouting brown tussocky grass and dusted with occasional lingering patches of snow ... [Continue reading this entry]