A stunt, an apple, a stink
While i’m thinking, or writing, i was thinking about playing a stunt before i left work. Something to remember me by. We have treat days, that alternate. I would just generously bring in a office sized fruit salad on my last day. It will be filled with 151 rum! lots of it. Drunk coworkers.
Realistically though, i have this apple thats been sitting beside my desk for three months. The previous apple i had to throw out. I let it sit for months on the ledge, in the sun, and it shrank until it was 1.5 inches wide. Then Juice decided to see if there was anything in it and squeezed it really hard. It broke the skin, which was intact up until this point. I left it on the ledge.
One day, it really started to stink in our office. No one could figure out what it was, and i didn’t want to see my shrunk apple go. I decided to voluntarily remove my apple, i cut it in half, just to take a look before i threw it out. Only about half was rotting. I threw it out, and the stink went away shortly afterwards. A couple of days later, my boss was ranting on how much the computer guy stunk. It wasn’t the apple, it was the apple guy.
Tags: pretrip
Man, you are funny. I’m glad you set up this site.