BootsnAll Travel Network

The truth about France…

And there sure were a bunch. So what really did happen in France?

Do I really want to admit this?

It was like was written before. Until Sunday….

I still can’t get into the church, i thought they were open on Sundays? The massive 20 foot doors stood in my way… well, I’ll just have to go through them…
No luck.

Time for brunch. And I like the old familiar here, subway. I was eating away, and thinking, what shall I do today. Well, i could go to the beach, do some shopping, see some museums. Its a walking city, so I’ll rent a bike and bike around the beaches. Lie there, relaxing in the sun, and play in the water. Such a nice break before I head out.

My plane leaves at 7. Am.

Sh#t! run, get up and run, to the airport, can’t miss, what’s the time, its 10? run anyway, maybe you can get to the airport if its extremely late. Maybe event catch the next flight. Throw your sandwich at the window and run! Despite knowing that your flight would be back in London by this time, there’s still some strange urge to get up and run to the airport. Now i have a sandwich all over the window. Can’t go back to that subway.

Well, now that that thought is done, what should I do? I could head to the beach anyways, relax and enjoy the rest of the day. I should be able to catch a flight out later, right? I missed it anyways, lets make the best of the situation.

After my lunch, I headed out for the airport. Might as well get a head start. I can go back to the beach after I book a flight.

I walk up to AirFrance desk, and smoothly ask, do you have any flights to London? She replies, “No, we’re air FRANCE”. Thanks, I didn’t notice. Back to the info desk to ask, who flies out of here to London? He says, Ryan Air tomorrow or ask at AirFrance. Hm, they told me no…wait a minute, those #####… march right back up to the desk, a different person this time, and not being so polite, do you have flights to London? Why yes, let me see….

That will be 600 Euros.
600 Euros.
Um, have anything cheaper?
Not to London.
I’d rather walk.
And I did, right in a big circle back to the desk.
Hi, do you have any flights to Paris? Yes,
and how much are they? Are you a student?
Yes I am. 80 Euros.
And flights to London? 600 Euros.
I’ll book the Paris. (half way there I think, better than 600 euros. That’s like a house, minus inflation from 1863.)

I tried to check in, but they didn’t accept Mr Alberta Dixon.

After a few minor delays, off to Paris.

Now getting from Paris to London seemed to pose the same challenge. The tickets were OUTRAGEOUS, but I debated to pay them or not. I tried the train, and it was worse. The only place I thought would be a bus, its got to be cheaper.

The bus station was in Paris, so after a long journey into Paris, I ended up at the Eurolines station. Only to be told, they don’t have any tickets until tomorrow. Do you want the ticket? Heck no, that’s too late. Its not really the time that concerns me, I’ve just done a few not so intellectually gifted like a prodigy child things at work, and I would hate to phone in and say, “hi, I’m stuck in France. I’ll be in tomorrow. Maybe.”

So after some really bad Chinese food, I headed back to the bus stop to mingle with the crazies. And there sure were a bunch. Some old lady was really really crazy. For some reason they show up at bus stations, but I guess they can’t afford to take planes. I met a couple from the states, they were sane, therefore only there briefly.

Luckily, the bus wasn’t full when it got there. I got a seat next to an old fart who gave me a cold. After the ferry, i slept all the way back. (can you tell I’m getting bored of writing?) The bus was full of younger people. That’s where all the young people go.

Arrived at 6am, went home and changed, and into work… dazed and confused as usual. I hope you can tell when i’m joking. Or am I?


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