I made it!!
Sunday, March 13th, 2011hey everyone! I made it! I am in Cape Town, South Africa! The flights were both super long, 7 hours and 11 hours. But I was happy to get a window seat on the 11 hour flight so it was a little easier to sleep with somewhere to put my head. My layover was in Amsterdam, which I have now decided is my favorite airport so far. They have a library, a kids playing area, comfort chairs to sleep in… even a meditation area! I love it! Last night I got in really late so pretty much just looked around, checked out some information and then headed to bed. I can definitely tell that my sleep schedule is off cause it is super hard to fall asleep, but give that a day or two and I’ll probably be back to my old ways of being asleep in minutes!
So far I don’t have too many plans at all…I can already tell that Cape Town is going to be super expensive, as a city bike tour is about $50, but oh well. I might just do some kind of tour anyways, just to ease myself back into this travel thing! Thanks so much everyone for your emails and your comments! I love hearing from all of you! I am off to some breakfast and then off to do a couple essential things before heading out into the city!