Mui ne, ho chi mini, the Mekong and our last days in thailand
Friday, April 27th, 2012From Nha trang Chelsy and I headed to mui ne. We had heard lots of good things about mui ne and were told it was supposed to be pretty nice. Well as always, if it says three hours to get there it will probably take 6 hours, so by the time we got there, got our accommodation it was evening, so we spent the evening just walking up and down the strip, swimming in the pool an listening to live music. The next day we decided to have a beach day and it was such a disappointment! We were told the beach in mui ne was really nice, but actually it was littered with garbage!! It was so hot out and after swimming a couple times and feeling like we were swimming in garbage we gave up and headed back to the pool at our hostel. That evening we went out to a burger joint with a bunch of the people from our hostel and just headed for drinks after! Whitney, the American girl I met diving in Nha trang arrived late that evening to stay with us too! The next day we rented motorbikes and headed down to a nicer beach/ cove type area and it was much better. There was still garbage but not so much you were swimming with it and the water was much prettier. Later in the evening after it wasn’t quite as hot we headed or the famous mui ne sand dunes. We headed to the red sand dunes an had a blast! We were sledding, or at least attempting to sled down the dunes and by the time we headed home we were covered in sand from was to toe! That evening we headed for dinner and played a round of mini golf. It was a cement course, but we still had a lot of fun.
The next day we were off to ho chi Minh city or what I call ho chi mini. This was another day long process even though it’s only supposed to take three hours, and we got there in the evening and had dinner and then drinks at cheap places where thrifty up little plastic chairs and little tables on the sidewalk. We also got to take in some great live music. The next day we were off to the war remnants museum. We now know going in to any of these war places or museums to take it with a grain of salt as try are still full of propaganda and one sided, but it is still interesting and very sad to go. After having our hearts put through the wringer we were off to happier times of shopping at the market and dodging crazy traffic trying to find our way back to our hotel. We had an early night since we were headed off to the Mekong delta early the next morning.
The Mekong delta was cool, but we have basically already seen this type of stuff in Laos, so like always hind sight is 20/20 and it’s something we really could have passed up as it was mostly a lot of driving! We did get to see a fish farm, a floating market, a crocodile farm and took a bike ride through a small town. We spent the night in a floating hotel and the next morning we were off to the border of Cambodia by boat. We arrived in phnom penh and that’s where we said bye to Whitney for a couple days. This is also where our trip had a rough couple days! My passport is now very full and needs new pages, and we weren’t sure the border control would use my last couple pages, yet you need an appointment to get more pages, and we didn’t want to stay in phnom penh overnight…. So we decided to chance it and get to ko Chang Thailand without getting new pages. Well no worries I’ve crossed the border fine, I now just have to get to eastern europe without new pages as the embassy in Bangkok is not open on a Saturday. So we got on a bus at 12:30 at night bound for ko Chang, it was supposed to take 8 hours. 8 hours later we were at the border of Thailand, still had 5 hours to ko Chang but we had to wait for the bus, which would leave in six hours! Chelsy and I were so frustrated and irritated we took the next bus going anywhere close to the coast. This also took twice the amount of time! We finally got to ko samet at 6 pm last night! It was a long wasteful irritating day and were so happy it’s behind us! At least we made it and now we have two days to sit on the beautiful white powder sand beach! Oh and Whitney just met back up with us for the last couple days, so that’s nice too!!