BootsnAll Travel Network

Blame the French – I do

Well, well, well turns out I did catch the dreaded French Bird Flu – or something damn near as horrible. On the first day I arrived in Dublin I thought the dizziness and the way everything around me seemed to be tilting back and forth was just a symtpom of jetlag. Till I woke the next morning with a head full of snot (and I apologize not for that lovely image). So yesterday (that was when I woke up with the snot) after a breakfast of scone (thats what they serve for breakfast at the hostel) I went to the nearest chemist and stocked up on anti-snot drugs (several kinds in the end as the first two didnt work) went back to the hostel and promptly fell asleep. I woke up, doped myself up again as the snot had returned and decided to venture outside. I did plan to go to the national gallery and the very promising sounding wax museum but I figured I’d take it easy and check out the shopping areas.
There’s an area of retail shops and malls on the north side of the river Liffey centred around a 130 metre tall concrete and steel spike which was built only in 2003 and is known as ‘The Spire’ and something else which I cant remember (Monument of Light?) Anyway, it makes for a great photo so I took a photo. ( Ive only taken one photo sofar).
From the spire stems four streets, – to the north, east, south and west kinda thing. Its a pretty cool place – very busy, lots of Glassons type shops but also a fruit and vege market and pretty much any other type of retail shop you can think of. After my dose of retail therapy, or wishful retail therapy as it was I was feeling a little peckish so I consulted LP and found this cool little cafe called ‘The Winding Stair Cafe’. Its on the second floor of a antique book shop and you make your way up a creaky spiral staircase, the walls on either side of you wallpapered with pages from old books, squeeze through a tiny door into a cafe complete with checkered tablecloths, Billie Holiday music and sandwiches named after books. I had an ‘Old Man of the Sea’ – tuna, mayo and lettuce – and much nicer than it sounds. I also had the best hot chocolate in the world – or at least I think it was, my tastebuds were on strike cos of the snot situation, but it looked really nice. And I had an apple juice of the piss variety. Thats the second time Ive ordered apple juice expecting the nice cloudy old fashioned stuff but both times I’ve received the piss variety. Which tastes alright, its just the analogy’s not so pleasant. I had a great view of the river from my spot in the cafe. This is a bit further down from the vantage point I had a day earlier. But I must say the river was looking as inviting as ever, no water this time (maybe they drain it?), just a whole lotta green sludge. Kinda reminded me of my own health situation. And the gulls down this end didnt even have zorro masks on – actually come to think of it I only saw that one the day before so maybe I was just hallucinating on account of the onset of French bird flu.
After that, I headed back to the hostel, buying my second lot of anti-snot drugs on the way as well as some water and tissues. Lots of tissues. I would be prepared for the night ahead.

That would be last night. Horror of horrors. I had to redope myself up about 3 times, then woke at 3am and couldnt get back to sleep. But I must have dozed off because I missed the moment when my throat swelled up so much I could hardly swallow let alone talk. Thats the way it was when I woke up this morning. So first thing I did this morning was of course to go on my daily trip to the chemist and stock up on drugs – for icky throats and nasty coughs this time. I decided I better have a decent breakfast so armed with directions from my sick buddy Tania from America(shes been sick for two weeks the showoff) I found a cafe that actually serves cereal for breakfast. I chose the healthiest kind – FruitnFibre – which is basically just Sultana Bran. I miss Mr Hubbard. I stumbled back to the hostel after, somewhat feverish I think, and slept again. Then I had to leave at 10.30 and not return til 3pm while they make the bed in the room I have booked for tonight. So here I am again, writing for you with a hazier brain, not much of a voice and a whole lotta snot.
Thankfully the sun is shining today and the earth isnt tilting quite as much and Im going to stay with cousin/aunt (I can never figure out which) Carmel tomorrow who will hopefully coddle me with treats and kindness.
Right now I think the wax museum is calling. Sounds intriguing. I’ll let you know.


3 responses to “Blame the French – I do”

  1. mummy says:

    (Music) “We are fa…..mily..”….All your sistas and me…(an Dadda too!)

  2. pete says:

    When ever I feel snotty I sing a song that makes me feel alot lot better for a small while

    “If snot was worth money
    I’d be a rich man, yay
    a rich man , yo,
    If snot was worth money
    I’d be a rich man yay,
    a rich man, (big snort follwed by a swallow).”

    Feels real good while you are doing it ten you realise that snot is actually not worth any money.


    Ang says’ Grandma told you to look out for french men’s and you didn’t and look what happened.

  3. Brent says:

    Hi Em

    I got filled in by the rest of the gang that there would be no emails forthcoming when I enquired of your travels/general well being. And when they mentioned some blog thing I vaguely remembered that in an email (no I’m not absent minded at all thank you very much now where was I…) So yeah here I am checking out yer blog it’s pretty darn funny so seems I was missing out but not any more muahhahah. onto the next hopefully less snot filled chapter.

    PS piss apple juice is the best good to see the Irish have that one sorted.