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Archive for April, 2006

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My Kingdom for A Donkey

Monday, April 17th, 2006

Corfu was my summer. And when I say summer I dont necessarily mean in terms of the weather (which incidentally was for the most part sunny – though still a little chilly at night) but in the sense that my time here felt like a ‘real’ holiday. A holiday from my holiday of boats and planes, cities and trains.

The good times were not to begin from the moment I set foot on the island however, for to fully appreciate the Corfu experience that was to come, I would first have to experience the opposite. (For this is the way of the universe). And when I say opposite I mean that this first experience of Corfu would turn out to be the antithesis of everything the word ‘holiday’ means to me. I might even go so far as to say (ominously), that it went against everything I believe in…..

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