From Then til Now
Wednesday, March 29th, 2006So I find myself the other day lazing on a Greek beach in twentysomething degree heat, days away – worlds away even, from the European winterlands and I suddenly realize I have seriously neglected my duties as dedicated blogger – not to mention my duty as responsible daughter, granddaughter, friend, sister to all of you who I would expect are on your deathbeds with worry not knowing if I live or if I die between countries (pizza enduced heartattack perhaps?, fatal fall from ‘titanic’ pose at the head of the ferry maybe? But Im sure youve thought of them all).
And so here I find myself now, sorting memories from gelato-fuelled hallucinations to put your worried minds at ease.
I think last you saw me I was wandering the Cinque Terre…. After several days of beautiful weather walking between picturesque towns, I caught a ferry from Genova to Sardinia with visions of sundrenched beaches in my head. Dreams, mere dreams they were, as I was find after a torturous 10 hours on a heaving ferry. Yes, Sardinia has towns and traffic and stray animals and dodgy areas just like any other place. Well the town of Alghero does anyway – I cant speak for the rest of Sardinia as I really didnt see much of it at all. Because it was only AFTER stranding myself on the island that I decided to phone around discovering to my dismay that there was only one hostel open on the whole island. That hostel being the one I was at, a 15 minute bus trip out of Alghero which is really nothing too special anyway. Add to this the windy wet weather, and my uncanny ability to forget all about siesta time only to find myself in an empty town with no open food suppliers of any kind day after day, and you may gather that my time on this island wasnt exactly the idyllic experience I was after. (I seem to have this strange relationship with remote islands in that I am almost compulsively drawn to them, often to my detriment)….
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