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And so it begins….

Friday, March 4th, 2005

It is time.
Oh yes, the time has come my friends.
To explore and conquer. (*read* to put off getting a real grown-up job/life for another year or five).

And so on the 7th day of the 3rd month I shall leave my life of luxury, my 5-star hotel of the last two years (thanks Mum & Dad), having sold all my material possessions (actually just all the ones I don’t want) and venture out into the world armed with an artist’s eye and a pencil to record my travels. And my jandals of course. And socks to wear with my jandals so I don’t get frostbite…in Ireland…in March…a time of year that may not be entirely pleasant I am told, especially for myself a New Zealander, beach enthusiast and lover of sunshine. But summer will surely be right around the corner (blind optimism) at which time I will travel on to conquer Europe and possibly Asia – just if I feel like it. I might change my mind…