BootsnAll Travel Network

And so it begins….

It is time.
Oh yes, the time has come my friends.
To explore and conquer. (*read* to put off getting a real grown-up job/life for another year or five).

And so on the 7th day of the 3rd month I shall leave my life of luxury, my 5-star hotel of the last two years (thanks Mum & Dad), having sold all my material possessions (actually just all the ones I don’t want) and venture out into the world armed with an artist’s eye and a pencil to record my travels. And my jandals of course. And socks to wear with my jandals so I don’t get frostbite…in Ireland…in March…a time of year that may not be entirely pleasant I am told, especially for myself a New Zealander, beach enthusiast and lover of sunshine. But summer will surely be right around the corner (blind optimism) at which time I will travel on to conquer Europe and possibly Asia – just if I feel like it. I might change my mind…


9 responses to “And so it begins….”

  1. Mummy says:

    Yo! Traveller !! – bet you are sleepin cos you haven’t blogged yet. Tis my day off and I too shall soon be travelling…into the bowels of your (two) room(s) to seek tidiness and cleanliness of spirit… heart quakes but I shall be strong like our intrepid eldest daughter…in your honour I shall even don my jandals.

  2. mummy says:

    Well no doubt you are fast asleep cos it will be 1.30am in Irish time. Your second day of travel has passed fairly slowly for us back home….apart from a brief moment in the butchery section at Pak ‘n Save and I could have sworn I heard you call out “mum!”

    I ventured briefly into your room to assess the situation and then thought it prudent to have a rabies and typhoid shot before going further.

    I took the dog for a walk – the enlarged photograph of you on a stick didn’t work so well – she took one look and headed into the sand-dunes – you have taught her bad habits!

    I took your books back to the library and paid the fine on the Irish AA book which you had taken out in my name.

    I took you money to the bank and by mistake put it into my account. I promise I will do better with the music school cheque.

    I took your paintings to the art gallery and managed to persuade the man that I wasn’t stealing the large one on the wall, that I WAS your mummy and that we just wanted ONE of your works on our wall and he could have it back if he sells the others.

    I brought the groceries in and felt as if I was in the twilight zone – nothing had been disturbed while I was out, the TV wasn’t on, the computer was still off , there was still no mess on the dining room table and no-one was rummaging through the bags saying “any treats for me??”…..Brie did trot in carrying your photograph on the stick, doing a pretty good Emily impersonation, but I wasn’t fooled for a minute.

    Another strange thing has happened since your leaving…..came home from work last night, to find your father making his usual (finely ?) diced salad (enough to feed you and the army – I think he had forgotten Vege-head had gone to Ireland) and gesticulating wildly at this brown haired creature sitting in the armchair.

    “Who is it?” he mouthed.

    “Perhaps it’s the lodger” I mouthed back……we are learning to read lips as part of our Retirement Plan.

    But IT ate the salad and yawned , talked about rowing and asked for help with biology homework so we figure it must be some lost relation, perhaps even an extra daughter – she resembles you – who now knows she has our undivided attention.

    All in all a rather uneventful “missing-Emily” kind of day .

    LOL xxxxxx

  3. em says:

    jeez, can you write enough? hugs to brie please. Oh and you guys too I guess;)

  4. antonia says:

    Hi Em,
    Me &Liam just finished reading your blog-so funny!Glad you like Ireland so far,have being making mental notes already for when we go-I’m definitely going to be storing my bag in the luggage compartment of the bus!Okay well I’ll write you a proper e-mail anyway,love tone.

  5. the dadster says:

    yo yo emidread whats the haps u da… hows dubhood – we’s proud o you.
    I got up the first mornin and me was real quiet. Everthing was quiet – I open the fridge, see the yoghurt wid your name on and retract ma hungry arm and then I rea lize and have me some ( but not all cause Ise know youll be looking for it when you come back) but the ginger beer I lost all control and before I knew it wus all gone – it didnt seem like I done it. The rasberrys I left too late – theys all expired. I is waterin yer tomatoes though. There will be some yoghurt left but. Your room? – thats mum’s department but you sure is an Armstrong( a totally non-judgemental statement – like its not your fault ). I told the students you had gone – a few of them asked if you wus me daughter and I’s like yea but I don’t make a big deal of it cos she’s a top tutor in her own right
    I bought the Bay Trader(its Thursday)
    an briefly thought u might want to read it – maybe buy a matching potters wheel – again yous not ere. It takes a while but good on ya mate – you go girl – give it heaps.
    your pa Andi- B.

  6. Em says:

    Just for the record, I have no idea who these crazy people are. Definitely no relation to me. Not even distant relations. No-sir-ee.

  7. Aunty Sandra says:

    Hi Em,
    Can see you need to have some connection to a well balanced family member so am coming to the rescue.
    Have found our family tree goes back to Edward 1st, so well grounded too.
    I have just plugged in on Day 4 and can so relate to meeting up with the Duignan clan.
    You did really well sorting out, who was who. It was easier for John as, Carmel, Margaret, Grannie, Dedrie, etc were his first cousins and both Aunt Beezie & her husband Peter were still alive. Beezie was very much like Grandma, so we settled in very well.
    It was so good to read their names again, did a wee time warp to our visit.
    Also Diane and Tom came over which made for a very festive gathering.
    Will be good to get any photos of the cousins and the farm house at Drumliesh.
    Please pass on our love to Carmel, Margaret, Grannie, Deidrie.
    big hug

  8. Tonia says:

    Hi Em,
    Grandma’s old house sounds so cool!I hope it hasn’t changed when I get there!Guess what-I am officially an Irish citizen now-hooray!Now I can call mum&dad mammy and pappy.It’s a beautiful day here today-not sure if you want to know that or not.What did you do for St Patricks day?Bet it was crazy over there!
    love tone

  9. Sandeater says:

    yo – yo!
    Whats the haps?
    Hope you are having fun times and are no longer snotty (as in boogers).
    The surf had been rather gimungous over the last three days (up to 6-8 foot), but settled down today and there were nice two footers rolling in this morning.
    Sounds like you have already been meeting an assortment of interesting peeps and family sorts, and sampling the fine culinary delights on offer (soup anyone?)
    Anyways, keep it real.